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This article was first published 5 years ago  » Getahead » At 84, this grandfather is an Instagram sensation

At 84, this grandfather is an Instagram sensation

By Rediff Get Ahead
June 10, 2019 12:34 IST
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This 84-year-old is an Instagram sensation thanks to his grandson, whose clothes he wears.

Photographs: Courtesy Silver Tetsuya/Instagram 

With over 98,000 followers, Akita Prefecture aka Silver Tetsuya is a fashion icon.

A retired chemistry teacher, he lead an ordinary life in the countryside until his grandson Naoya Kudo decided to give him a makeover.

Naoya made his 84-year-old grandfather wear his clothes and took photographs of his new avatar, which has been loved by the Internet.

The pics have gone viral and Silver is now Japan's hottest Instagram model.

Scroll down to take a look at his pics. Psst...Silver's confidence and style can give seasoned models a run for their money.

IMAGE: Former teacher. Former principal. Former superintendent. Current model.  

IMAGE: The grand old handsome man.

IMAGE: When he first started uploading pics, Silver felt the world would think that he is out of his mind. Not once did it cross his mind that he'd become such a huge Instagram sensation.

IMAGE: The 84-year-old is giving serious style inspiration to youngsters.

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