Search results for ' Amharic'

All you need to know about Nobel peace prize winner Abiy Ahmed

All you need to know about Nobel peace prize winner Abiy Ahmed

Rediff.com11 Oct 2019

He has served in the military and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, before becoming the founder and director of the country's Information Network and Security Agency, which is responsible for cyber-security in a country where the government has always exercised tight control over the internet.

The man who invested $2 bn in India

The man who invested $2 bn in India

Rediff.com2 Jun 2018

'In the end, investing is about people.' 'If you get the right people, they make things happen,' Mengistu Alemayehu tells Shyamal Majumdar.

10 new countries in just over 2 decades!

10 new countries in just over 2 decades!

Rediff.com19 Sep 2014 lists 10 new countries that were formed over the last two decades

'Malnutrition kills most children in India'

'Malnutrition kills most children in India'

Rediff.com24 Dec 2008

Rishi Mediratta is one of the 40 people across the United States chosen recently as this year's Marshall Scholars. Funded by the British government, the scholarship, which covers university fees and living expenses, gives Mediratta the opportunity to study at any British university for two to three years.

'Only the best are chosen'

'Only the best are chosen'

Rediff.com29 Jul 2003