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10 convincing reasons you should start working out. Like now!

Last updated on: August 06, 2014 19:44 IST

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Photographs: Lewis McChord/Creative Commons

Of course there's that thing about looking great and losing weight too but here's how exercising helps you! Read on!

Everyone wants to be fit but does not want to work to get there.

In the pages to follow we give ten fairly convincing reasons why you must start working out. Starting right about now.

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1. It increases metabolism

Image: (Picture used here for representational purposes only.)
Photographs: Calibe Thompson/Creative Commons

Ask any model the secret to her insanely hot figure and chances are she'll tell you it's her body's high metabolism rate.

While some of it can be genetic (ever wondered how some people never seem to put on weight?) the fact is you can increase yourself too.

"As you grow older, your body's metabolism rate slows down," says the prominent nutritionist Namita Jain, "Which is why people tend to put on weight when they grow older."

"But regular exercise tends to increase your body's metabolism and help it burn more fat and calories."

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2. It helps strengthen your bones

Image: (Picture used here for representational purposes only.)
Photographs: Calibe Thompson/Creative Commons

The more you use your body parts, the better they function, Jain says.

Working out regularly (and properly) will help increase your bone mineral density and keep your joints supple.

It isn't very different than your motor car really -- the more you use it, the better it functions. The more you keep it idle you will have trouble starting it up and get it running.

The difference though is you can sell off your old car but you just have to live with your body.

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Tags: Jain

3. Makes you more flexible

Image: (Picture used here for representational purposes only.)
Photographs: Jason Verwey/Creative Commons

An annexure to the previous point really.

Yoga, aerobics and other stretching exercises will make your body more flexible.

The more flexible you are, you will have lesser muscle injuries.

So the next time you pull a muscle while reaching out to that jar on the topmost shelf, remember it is because you haven't worked out.

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4. You will get a better posture

Image: (Picture used here for representational purposes only.)
Photographs: Gisele Bundchen on Instagram

Studies have shown that working out is directly correlated to better posture.

Exercising your abs, back and other muscles can help you fix your posture.

No one likes someone who slouches all the time. So get off your backside and hit the gym already!

ALSO READ Workouts for a better posture

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5. It will help you de-stress

Image: (Picture used here for representational purposes only.)
Photographs: Ernst Moeksis/Creative Commons

There is nothing quite like a walk or a run after a long day's work, Jain says.

We've been hammering you with how exercising releases endorphins, those wonderful 'happy hormones' that not only lift up your mood but also help fight stress.

So unless you like snapping people's heads off or just like having a cloud of gloom over your head, we suggest you hit the gym.

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Tags: Jain

6. Stamina

Image: (Picture used here for representational purposes only.)
Photographs: Borja Sanchez Trillo/Getty images

Jain who consults at Mumbai's prominent Bombay Hospital says that lack of stamina this generation's greatest challenge. "It is scary how many people walk into my consulting room huffing and puffing," she says.

Cardiovascular exercises will help you increase your stamina and endurance.

Start by running and graduate to other more difficult workouts such as chin-ups, tricep dips etc.

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7. You will have better sex

Image: (Picture used here for representational purposes only.)
Photographs: Scion Photography/Creative Commons

All that stamina has to be put to test somewhere, doesn't it?

Studies have shown that regular exercise can help increase arousal.

But you really don't need a study to tell you just how it helps you perform better in bed.

Think of it, increased flexibility, better stamina, lack of stress, more endorphins, better body image… all of it is bound to reflect in your… erm… carnal activities.

ALSO READ Exercise can induce orgasms in women

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8. You won't be obese

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Photographs: Wikimedia Creative Commons

Admittedly this is one of our worst nightmares!

Obesity is a result of sedentary lifestyle.

Studies have shown that the less you exercise the more you crave for (often unhealthy) food.

Calories pile; you put on weight; lethargy follows and you don't feel like working out.

See how vicious the circle can get?

Break out of it! Hit the gym right now!

ALSO READ 10 ways to get rid of obesity

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9. Keeps ailments at bay

Image: (Picture used here for representational purposes only.)
Photographs: William Brawley/Creative Commons

Blood pressure, heart attack, stroke... we could go on and on.

Working out regularly can keep a host of illnesses away.

Surely you knew that. And what's stopping you from working out now?

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10. You get a toned body

Image: (Picture used here for representational purposes only.)
Photographs: Alesia Raut on Instagram

Being thin and lanky is one thing and another thing altogether being fit and toned.

Losing weight is just one of the (most attractive) side effects of working out.

But exercising regularly will help you tone your muscles and get you that physique you really want.

Do you still want us to go on? :-)

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