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  Looking back: 26/11, When terror hit Mumbai

The horror in numbers: November 26, 2008. 66 hours. 10 terrorists. 166 innocent people dead.
More than 600 other innocents wounded. Five years after the most daring terrorist assault on Mumbai, here are the most gripping, most heart-rending stories we did.
Please click on the locations on the map to read the best coverage of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks from our archives.
Girgaum Chowpatty Time: Killed: Three Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (VT) Time: 21.20 Killed: 58 Cama Hospital Time: 22.30 Killed: Seven Hotel Trident Time: approximately 21.00 hrs Killed: 30 Hotel Taj Mahal Time: 23.00 Killed: Seven Cafe Leopold Time: approximately 21.00 hrs Killed: 10 Chabad House Time: approximately 21.00 hrs Killed: Seven Machimar Nagar Time: 20.10 hrs Killed: Four Rang Bhavan
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