That's the theme for 2017’s International Women’s Day -- which celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
As the world recognises International Women’s Day, Rediff.com wants to know from women just how safe you feel in India and if things have changed for them.
1) Which is the safest mode of public transport in India?
2) Which metro in India is the most unsafe for women?
3) Do anti-rape protests help bring about a change in society?
4) Is the way you dress an invitation to rape?
5) Are laws an effective deterrent?
6) Have politicians created a safe environment?
7) Has the media help enforce changes in crimes against women?
8) Are apps helpful to protect women?
9) Are self-defence classes helpful?
10) Do women misuse anti-rape laws?
11) Should minors who commit rapes be treated as adults?
12) Who is responsible for women’s safety?