The Delhi high court asked Bharatiya Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy and Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi to file a short note on the submissions in the National Herald case.......
The Gujarat high court on Monday said it does not have faith in the state machinery which gets into action only after innocent lives are lost, as it pulled up the Rajkot civic body over the......
In nearly 100 seats, the BJP stands almost no chance of winning.In 200 seats, it is a direct fight between the BJP and the Congress where the BJP has an upper hand.In 243 seats, the BJP is pitted......
'However, to establish a quid pro quo, one can potentially see several things, like whether they got any benefits from the party that they gave money to. That is something that people (of......
'Had they agreed to our demands that we raised two years ago, we would have never started our agitation again.' IMAGE: Farmers are stopped as they march to the frontline of a protest, at a site......
'We have essentially tried to set out an agenda for the next five years and it, in essence, represents the political commitment to that agenda.' Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ ......
'We have now drastically simplified it, primarily to two rates in long-term capital gains: 20% and the applicable rates. Similarly, in short-term capital gains.' 'For listed shares, there is a......
'I found it unbelievable that L&T said 45,000 jobs were waiting to be filled because of unavailability of suitable skillsets.' 'So, when the Opposition sweepingly says there are no jobs, I'm......
The Indian economy needs to generate an average of nearly 78.5 lakh jobs annually until 2030 in the non-farm sector to cater to the rising workforce, according to the Economic Survey for 2023-24.......
Fresh plans of privatisation or divestment in central public sector enterprises and public sector banks might take a back seat this financial year because these may require a large consensus among......
The Kerala Story is among a long list of films that invited bans and censorship. The Bharatiya Janata Party-led Uttar Pradesh government announced on May 9, 2023 that the film The Kerala Story......