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Previous day's headlines - 09 January, 2020

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LIVE! UP: Bus bursts into blaze after mishap; 21 injured
'He pulled me by my hair and hit me in my stomach' : SYED FIRDAUS ASHRAF - 10:57 IST
JNU violence: JNUSU prez among 9 suspects named by Delhi Police - 23:53 IST
ABVP members admit planning attack on JNU: TV sting - 23:44 IST
Amid protests, Citizenship Act comes into effect - 23:05 IST
15 killed, 20 injured in blast at mosque in Pakistan's Quetta - 22:29 IST
Boris Johnson is not the real villain of Brexit - 21:29 IST
After SC order, PSA against 26 people in J-K revoked - 20:50 IST
The teacher from Dombautiya - 20:42 IST
India-US ties sailing in choppy waters - 19:29 IST
Conspirator in Gauri Lankesh murder arrested - 19:23 IST
Internet constitutional right, says SC; orders review of all J-K curbs - 19:19 IST
Foolproof security for Modi's two-day Kolkata visit - 19:14 IST
'Big jolt to govt': Oppn welcomes SC order on J-K - 19:09 IST
AAP holds protest over power tariff hike in Punjab - 19:03 IST
6mn hectares gutted, Australia blaze may intensify further - 18:33 IST
Didn't carry out attack, Delhi police biased, says Aishe - 18:07 IST
JNU violence taking toll on our minds: Students - 16:02 IST
Priyanka meets anti-CAA activists in Varanasi - 16:01 IST
Why SC's J-K order is so significant : PRASANNA D ZORE - 15:55 IST
Why are our students so angry? - 14:43 IST
Sheena Bora Case: So was it Sheena's skull? : VAIHAYASI PANDE DANIEL - 14:41 IST
Rapes in India: Every fourth victim a minor - 14:08 IST
3 JNU professors move HC to preserve CCTV footage - 14:08 IST
Uttams Take: No Iran-US war? - 10:50 IST
No takers for your malware: India slams Pak at UN - 10:47 IST
Trudeau believes that Iran missile downed Ukraine jet - 10:01 IST
Tussauds moves Harry, Meghan's figures away from family - 09:10 IST
British MPs finally approve Brexit deal - 00:19 IST