Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (Retd) And Colonel Anil A Athale (Retd)

All stories by Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (Retd) And Colonel Anil A Athale (Retd)

Should Women Fight Wars?

Should Women Fight Wars?

Rediff.com23 Sep 2021

Should we be exposing our women volunteers to the barbarity of actual combat?

Be Prepared for Taliban Terror

Be Prepared for Taliban Terror

Rediff.com1 Sep 2021

Pakistan would want to take full advantage of the situation to direct Taliban trained terrorists into the Kashmir Valley, alert Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (retd) and Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

China and Xi want India to fail

China and Xi want India to fail

Rediff.com1 Oct 2020

By jettisoning the vision of multilateral world in favour of a Han Empire, China has posed a major long term challenge to India. India must stand firm against Chinese expansionism but also keep a door open for future detente by making a clear distinction between Chinese people and the current Chinese leadership, observe Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (Retd) and Colonel Anil Athale (Retd).

Coronavirus: Immediate Need: National Government

Coronavirus: Immediate Need: National Government

Rediff.com26 Mar 2020

'A national government will help us to harness the totality of national resources to fight the war against the coronavirus most effectively,' state Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (retd) and Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

2019 is India's Deng Xiaoping moment

2019 is India's Deng Xiaoping moment

Rediff.com19 Jun 2019

'The return of India to its own civilisational values can never endanger freedoms as pluralism is the bedrock of our culture,' assert Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (retd) and Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

Defence of India with Made in India

Defence of India with Made in India

Rediff.com23 Jan 2019

'No country can ever be free to make its choices and remain independent if it continues to wear borrowed plumes,' warn Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (retd) and Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).

50 Years On: Who was the real Veer Savarkar?

50 Years On: Who was the real Veer Savarkar?

Rediff.com26 Feb 2016

'One hopes the younger generation sees Savarkar him for what he was and does not view him through a distorted prism.' 'This is the least one could do for someone who devoted his whole life to Indian freedom struggle, elimination of caste, succour to Dalits, and instilling of strategic culture in India,' says Lieutenant General Ashok Joshi (retd) and Colonel Anil A Athale (retd).