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February 22, 2002
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'We won't touch Pepsi until they bring the cup home'

Previous: 'They should be more in the nets than the sets'

Fri Feb 21 17:23:03 2003
Name: praveen
Your Views: :i dont find anything wrong with players endorsing cant blame some for earing.if so you want to talk about patriotism ,go and stop the polticians and police from talking money. they are the real people you have to go behind not some sports person who is finally getting paid for his hard work. again if can appreciate some freaky models or some top heros doing ad who what so ever never had any concerns for nation why blame it on some inocent cricketer for thier endorsments.. of all this and still u feel players shouldnt..dont drink pepsi,coke,dont see tv,do drive tvs or hero honda goes on.. apprieciate the game .. the game lives not the player. let better team win.. still my heart goes for my team.....india.

Fri Feb 21 17:23:25 2003
Name: Rajesh Nayak
Your Views: :Yess! Players are busy earning than practing. what did the team do after coming back from Newziland ?.. Indian cricket lovers should boycot all the products adv. by the cricket players.

Fri Feb 21 17:24:29 2003
Name: Pradeep Kumar
Your Views: :Every human wants money which they ( team ) get easily from other source. so y they will play for the country. ***ristrict all player's income to one source i.e cricket and then see the difference in perfomance.*** or TAKE ALL EARNING FROM PLAYERS AND REDISTRIBUTE AMONG THEM ( TEAM )ACCORDING TO THEIR PERFORMANCE, EVERY MATCH WISE. THEN SEE THE DIFFERENCE. YOU WILL GET THE RESULT 100%.

Fri Feb 21 17:24:35 2003
Name: J P Singh
Your Views: :Yes, I strongly feel that too much involvement in commercial advrtisements by our players affects their performance. Either they should do modelling or play sensitive cricket. These players are least bothered about their performance in the game, because they know from where to earn money and fame. So it is high time that players should be asked to concentrate on game and not on commercials else chance be give to younger players.

Fri Feb 21 17:25:19 2003
Name: Tarun Bhardwaj
Your Views: :Well endoresements do not affect players... we did not see any slackness in Micheal Jordan when he became richest sportstar...we haven't seen Schumaker(pardon the spellings plz) tripping in any race...or did we see Tiger woods hitting his ball in the woods after earning millions ??...the answer is "NO" . But in case of our team this supposedly seems to be the reason, whereas this is not true. The fault lies in our preperation. We should admit that we are not a professional team... we cross the river when it comes. The hard work that makes a match winning team is lacking, the killer instinct which pushes the players is never seen except playing against Pakistan. Our players always seem to lacking that killer punch and start feeling weak between their legs whenever faced with a tough competitor. Its only their luck that this is the most famous sport here and they seem to be making a quick buck out of it..but ultimately we have to admit that we are miles away from making a team which can truly be called "world champions". Why blame these poor chaps ...every one has a right to make money. Keep it up fellows ...u r really good actors ...ooops cricketers.

Fri Feb 21 17:25:34 2003
Name: santosh
Your Views: :may be what u said is correct. but i want to tell u something why the public got angry. because the people who betted there money on the players may have lost the bet and lot of money so the people who lost got angry and did such stupid things. thts it. good luck to my team.

Fri Feb 21 17:25:51 2003
Name: Rishikesh Basu
Your Views: :Depends on how much time they spend doing Endorsement (Includes preparation and distraction). If they are missing important practice sessions for doing endorsement then ofcourse it is not the right thing to do. If not then they should make the money as it takes a lot of hard work and risk to reach the level where they are today. On different note I don't understand why people don't have such agitation against our political leaders for messing up stuff. They make a lot of money which is not seen. Our cricketers no doubt definitely put in a lot of effort to win matches and they have been successful in giving us a lot of entertainment and pleasure in past. Wishing them all the best for the World Cup. I am sure more enjoyment is on the way.

Fri Feb 21 17:26:02 2003
Name: chintan
Your Views: :yes i do agree that the players of this gen have become very money minded, agreed they may have shorter playing years but when they spend whatever rest time they get between two tours acting for these ads and then complain of no rest.....yes it does get sick. i think there should be a stioulation on the no of endorsements and ads these guys can do

Fri Feb 21 17:26:05 2003
Your Views: :I feet that endorsement interfere with the cricketers practice sessions. Our players are very keen in advertising rather than the game they are playing. They are least bothered about the game.

Fri Feb 21 17:26:40 2003
Name: S K Mohanty
Your Views: :The entire focus of the cricket team is on endorsements. Cricket is the means to earn more money. The BCCI also endorses such an approach. Otherwise is difficult to understand how so many out-of-form players are in the World-cup team where many good players are cooling their heels, most of whom have been kicked out after a few failures. Ban the endorsements, dissolve the BCCI, make selection purely based on merit and merit should be computed based on performance only. I am sure this will make every body situp and perform

Fri Feb 21 17:26:46 2003
Name: B Vidya Sagar
Your Views: :Crickters performance will certainly improve if they do concentrate on their play rather than advertisements.

Fri Feb 21 17:26:47 2003
Name: Deepak Prabhu
Your Views: :Top cricketers endorsing products is okay .. but it gets on the nerve of viewers when even

Fringe players pop up in ads .. it gets irritating to see people like Mongia and Kaif in ads regularly. It does not help the company nor the viewers .. Even top cricketers should limit their exposure .. over-exposure will seriously limit their long-term popularity

Fri Feb 21 17:27:16 2003
Name: raja dawn
Your Views: :A rule should be made whereby every cricketer gets a fixed quota of days when they can go for ad shootouts. They must plan their diary likewise. Moreover, the BCCI should also fix a minimum number of days for practice sessions and forced holidays. The remaining days should be available for matches. Thus the priority should be on being prepared and playing better rather than the other way round, i.e., playing and then filling the little time remaining with ad shootouts.

Fri Feb 21 17:27:46 2003
Name: Sabu Kurian
Your Views: :This is a difficult topic to comment. Frankly, we do not know how much time they spent for shooting/endorsements, how much of time they otherwise would have used for practice they are using for commercial purposes. The sports authorities are the best persons to commend on this. They are the ones to keep track of the players, evaluate their performance, and finally decide who should play for India and who do not. Too much of comments by the people who do not know much about the game, its environment, pressures and sorts of that would refrain from making comments.

Fri Feb 21 17:28:08 2003
Name: Narasimha Murthy
Your Views: :There is no relation between a players edorsements and his performance. I dont think it effects players performance.The thing is they r not concentrating on the game, because if they wont perform well in the game they will lost the place in the team at that time no company will take them in ads. Thanx rediff to giving me a chance to tell my wishes to indian cricket team. Best of Luck India

Fri Feb 21 17:29:02 2003
Name: anitha
Your Views: :Its not the question of interference as such but they feel they are secure financially otherwise they have to concentrate on getting more match offers to earn for their livelihood or otherwise, which motivates them to perform. Since they are financially secure they feel they can get away with bad performances whether it is sachin, saurov or any new comer for that matter there must be credible. And this is the right time for action so that it will send a right signal for our future players.

Fri Feb 21 17:29:35 2003
Name: Bhupendra
Your Views: :Yes, I do feel that the concentration of the team gets affected by the endorsments. Though the companies may say "Cricket first", but let us not forget that they are not paying the hefty amounts to the cricketers to put the cricket first. They want returns out of their investments in cricketers, and hence they will b putting more and more pressure on the cricketers to do their ads. Team obviously gets distracted from the practice sessions.

Fri Feb 21 17:30:15 2003
Name: Satish K Lakshmanan
Your Views: :A Spotless room , a white centre table , a pompous man in his late twenties comes and places a plate of steaming idlis on the table .. suddenly there's a shout of Dada … batting practice. Going back with a Poker face , he returns and pops the idlis into the microwave oven and just when he's going to eat there's another shout … Dada Team meeting. The Pompous man is Ganguly and the Microwave Oven is LG. As a Child I was a great fan of cricket and I still am but the way these stars are being overfed with money, one just cant help but realize that the average cricket fan is being taken for a royal ride. Cricketers earn money through commercials and sponsorship and pay their servants through money earned by playing in the cricket field. Being a lover of Cricket and having played the same there are some situations wherein you think aloud .. " Hey was it necessary to play that shot ". When the Betting scandal surfaced Cricket lost some of its fans except many like me , optimistic duds are what we are made out to be believing in the fact that our Cricketers still do not take the game seriously and resort to some uhmmm unhealthy tricks.

Fri Feb 21 17:32:07 2003
Name: Goutham
Your Views: :Our players should not be allowed to endorse any produts.Through ads they make enough money for their lifetime and their devotion for cricket reduces drastically as we have seen it.Their match fees will anyway make them stinking rich.

Fri Feb 21 17:32:09 2003
Name: Sharad Shinde
Your Views: :I don't think this is the reason of the team's present run of poor success. The main reason is definitiely a lack of determination or passion or a reason to win the games. The indian team needs reson to play better. When they are in form, they do not try to maintain to be at the top! They just play without passion or without concentration etc. The reasons that they can play for are 1)If they fee, it's end of their chances in a tournament, 2) There is a lot pf pressure on them , put by fans or while playing in INDIA 3) One fels that his position is in doubt . So, in short they do not have a vision or a goal to become the best team in the world and that's the reason they fail! There can be no other reason than this because they certainly have the talent in them....but no proper and full utilisation of this talent is there ......Well, they should be shown a goal and made to work for this goal and too should come from their own hearts and not because someone tells them to be the bets!!

Fri Feb 21 17:34:40 2003
Name: Suresh Immanuel

Your Views: :
A cricketers life on the field is a very short one. They need financial security in their life once they retire from the field.They sacrifice many things and play for the pride of our country, though they earn heavily. Cricket celebrity endorsement won't affect the performance of the players in no way. The players fly thousands of miles and play in adverse weather conditions & they play for the country. But the companies should not interfere during their matches or practice sessions.

Fri Feb 21 17:34:42 2003
Name: Madhusudhan Rao
Your Views: :Not at all. It is not the endorsements or anything else. It's only slackness on the field that is affecting. How can they win the match against the Zimbabwe if the endorsement is the problem. Their firm belief that this cricketers have permanent place in the team which is affecting the performance. The moment the selection commitee of BCCI sets some standards (not the fame of the cricketer) on batting, bowling averages and selects the team then only things will improve. why should Md. Kaif or Agarkar for the matter should be given chance when they failed successively in 10 and 7 matches respectively. If u don't perform well in last 5 matches (or 3) give them rest irrespective of his fame.

Fri Feb 21 17:35:26 2003
Name: Jalindra Shinde
Your Views: :I strongly feel that they should concentrate more on cricket than anything else (endorsements and all these). We see them scoring runs in advertisements only and not on the ground. I strongly feel that they should be banned from any ads. or just go for ads and not cricket.

Fri Feb 21 17:35:47 2003
Name: S. Sivaramakrishnan
Your Views: :Very difficult to say without any research whether endorsements are responsible for the poor performance. There must be some reason why a capable team very often gets into a rut and performs like a local league team. It is also unfair to blame it on a single factor. The combination of factors that could be responsible are: 1. Poor and uninspired captaincy from a person who has been struggling for form. 2. A captain should be mature and have the ability to lead from the front. Our captain is highly emotional- not a very good quality for a leader. 3. Team lacks a good all- rounder- very vital for an ODI team. 4. Team does not have a class keeper who can bat. 5. There are some non- performers who are in the team for no apparent reason. 6. Team is very defensive and totally lacking in aggression- a very important requisite for an ODI team. 7. The game is totally commercialized- endorsement is only one of the factors. Some thing must be done to decommercialize the game and get the focus back on the game. 8. Indians in general are very tolerant and put up with mediocre performers. Let us demand more and I am sure they will perform better- this is the classical "Pygmalion Effect"

Fri Feb 21 17:36:01 2003
Name: Nishant Singhal
Your Views: :I dont' think that it is a matter of endorsing or not. first of all it is just a matter of day, or cricketing conditons. if somthing has to be done than it should be done by BCCI by brining better pitch and better planning before world cup matches. e.g team should have done more foregn tours before world cup in the countries of similar conditions e.g. newzealand, australia south a

Frica or may be holland but much before the world cup and than getting rest and more time to improve their technical difficulties. Apart from this country which is not even having its own coatch should not even think of winning world cup as it implies that country does not have enough depth of cricket. So it is all that has to be done by BCCI (no action on contract issue, only BCCI should take decision: no indian coatch, not enough good pitches, not enough discipline in the BCCI) and this all is inspite o the fact that BCCI earns money like anything. So it is better if BCCI do a serving job also rather just as a boss. Duties are equqlly important and not just rights and powers.

Fri Feb 21 17:36:07 2003
Name: budha
Your Views: :I don't think endorsements affect the player's performance. The player's are matured enough to handle these things. And why don't you bring out these questions when the team is winning?? Is it only when the team lose you people try to find other excuses?? Look, it is a game in the end. One day you win, another day you loose. Sometimes you may win handsomely, sometimes you may loose poorly. It's a part and parcel of the game. So we should stop scrutinising the player's action and do our job. If one doesn't like the way our team loses he should stop watching the game. No one is forcing him or her to watch a game. The persons out there have played the game, we haven't. So let us leave them alone and let them concentrate on their job instead of raising slogans and tantrums each time they loose

Fri Feb 21 17:36:33 2003
Name: Rajan
Your Views: :Well, I don't think so. Its not that they are concentrating more on their advertisements campaign, it is the contradiscting issues between different parties (companies) over the contracts that is diverting their attention. It can be overcome. It can be overhauled very easily if Indian players would understand that their market value is also based on the performance they generate in the game.

Fri Feb 21 17:36:33 2003
Name: Gopakumar
Your Views: :Why do people want to play cricket for India? There could be several reasons but to my mind the three important ones are (1) love for the game which makes you want to play it at the highest level, (2)the pride and prestige in playing for your country and (3)earn a good living for yourself while your talent and ability lasts. In the present day situation,99 players out of 100 would consider the third reason the most important. And, so it should be. As long as you get your earnings out of playing cricket for the country, you won't find it difficult to motivate yourself. But, once the major part of your earnings and that too, unbelievably huge and astronomical amounts, come from outside cricket and in the form of easy money (i.e. you stand in front of the camera and grin like an ape or mouth some inanities and you get paid lakhs and crores for doing so),then your devotion to the game and the pride in playing for the country gets diluted, to put it very mildly.You can't expect anything else from a normal human being. To sum it up, it is suffice to say that Indian cricket has been castrated by the corporates, both Indian and multinational.

Fri Feb 21 17:37:11 2003
Name: Rahul Gandhi
Your Views: :YES. For a fact endorsements effect the way these "lousy good-for-nothings" play. Why would they struggle when they are making so much more in ads and endorsements? Crickets becomes a second business for these people. They should be penalised for the way they perform. Let them concentrate on the field rather than looking good on tv. Companies should cancel their contracts with these under-performing duds and you will see the miracle changes in this very team. Let the money go to a good cause rather than these "sponsor starved" cricketers. Give the defence personnel who are fighting our wars at the border the extra money rather than give it to cricketers who care a damn about performing for the country. An example must be set, Sachin included. Does this person need the "worlds best player" tag? He is performing like he does not care for cricket, but only for the number of stupid companies lined up at his doorstep to offer him new contracts. Shame on these people, who time and again have let our country, our people and our emotions and pride down. Breed a whole new team. Get the young generation to hone their skills in cricket and make them world beaters rather than pumpkin eaters.

Fri Feb 21 17:37:29 2003
Name: Sujatha
Your Views: :I definitely think it is due to the endorsements that our team is playing so badly. I can understand if players like Sachin, Ganguly and Dravid coming in ads as they have proved themselves but even new players endorsing. I hope they are not confusing fame with success. First let them prove themselves as a good player and they are worth their places in our team. Though every player is important, it doesn't matter what type of player you are as far as they play as a team they should not forget it is only due to cricket they have been given endorsements.

Fri Feb 21 17:37:54 2003
Name: Vilas Kumar
Your Views: :Yes it sure will effect. I understand the need of these players to make money but instead of preparing for the world cup after a desatrous Newzaeland trip our heroes are busy shooting the ads. So if these endosrsements are affecting the performance of our players I see no wrong in people boycotting the products so that there is a lesson for everybody.After all its the interest of the general public in Cricket which makes them what they are.But no effigy burning and attacking the players homes. Thats sad.The cricket adminstrators also need a kick on their back side for the way they treat our Ranji players and the infrastructure they provide in general.There is no passion for the game only money seem to matter, which is sad for Indian cricket. Most of our players are unfit and flabby.

Fri Feb 21 17:38:46 2003
Name: Jason
Your Views: :Yes Endorsement does in a way affect your game. If your life was based on the fee you were getting on playing every match then you would do anything to make it count. Cause any bad performance would mean ur axed and hence a reduction in payments. However in case of Endorsements which is like 10 times of your tour fee itself you've actually already received the payment in advance. ur only required to be present on field. u play 3 - 4 matches. u make 1 count. people remember u long enough for the advertisements to runs it course. So well Kaif is remembered for 2 big innings when he failed his remaining 9. Yet u see Kaif and Saif ad and ur like u remember him in that course. I feel that if a player should endorse a product, let it be as per his performance. BCCI can frame guidelines. After all its the BCCI that makes the final team or breaks it. So what is the use of a cricket endorser if he is not playing for the team. So a pay structure should be inforce regarding payments through endorsements. Sadly playing for Country pride will be thrown out of the window. After all i guess its all about money honey.

Fri Feb 21 17:39:28 2003
Name: prasad cg
Your Views: :as it is a lot of one day cricket is played these days & in particular, the itinerary of Indian cricketers is very bad. to top it all, there is so much comm ads for them in between which will certainly have a negative impact on their performance on the cricketing field. anything in excess is bad & it is for the players to draw a line in between. they are earning so much by playing cricket for the country & they should realize that whatever extra they are earning from ads is purely due to cricket & hence, they should realize their priority.

Fri Feb 21 17:39:32 2003
Name: Hamir
Your Views: :After watching the Indian performances against Holland and Australia one gets a feeling that they were visible more in the ads then on the field.

Fri Feb 21 17:41:00 2003
Name: Niranjan J. Parwate
Your Views: :I am 100% sure that these endorsements interfere not only in practice but in actual performance also,and I feel that any cricketer who is playing under our country's flag should not be allowed to work in such endorsements.As since you are playing for nation is as good as you are a Govt. servent and a Govt servent is not allowed for any private job. So if Govt. put a ban on this, on a experimental besis we may find the performance upto a highest level.

Fri Feb 21 17:41:10 2003
Name: srinivasa rao.k
Your Views: :they should play good game . dont mix with advertisements.

Fri Feb 21 17:41:48 2003
Name: kray
Your Views: :yeah, they dont deserve all that money. the cricketers have to remember that they are 11 in a billion.

Fri Feb 21 17:41:50 2003
Name: sarika maiwall
Your Views: :I feel the same, by doing lesser no. of Ads, they will be concentating more on cricket.

Fri Feb 21 17:41:56 2003
Name: Prabal Chatterjee
Your Views: :Well, I dont think that the time they spend doing these adds hamper their match preparedness or physical fitness to ne significant extent and would not like to believe that it robs them of precious time to practice their art to perfection. Nevertheless, I do believe that these lucrative deals sure create some imbalance of priorities in the minds of the cricketers. A Sachin Tendulkar after a decade of bat weilding and successfully as that is sure to make a great brand ambassador but Sehwag ? is he already fit to be one ? is he as matured as Sachin alreday to set his priorities right ? and what bout Kaif, and Yuvraj and Harbhajan. Do they have enough claims to fame to carry out both roles successfully. I dont think so..... there has to be some check on the number of ads a cricketer can do in season. It should also be applicable to that Amitabh Bachchan of ad makers - Mr Tendulkar himself

Fri Feb 21 17:42:23 2003
Name: Muralidharan.K
Your Views: :Though I am not against players endorsing the products, excessive interest in commercial ads rather than sheer commitment and determination to their real profession is unacceptable. Lean period in any cricketer's career can happen but most of the indian players are getting out simply due to non-commitment and lack of concentration. It was happened in New Zeland but Indian sports lovers were still supporting the team just because of the fact that the pitches in New Zeland were under prepared. But here in the world cup when all teams are making lot of runs, our much vaunted batting line up is collapsing like a pack of cards. Can anyone still support the Indian team and their excessive engagement in endorsing products? The indian public is thinking rightly and I am of the opinion that all the players should be banned from endorsing products until they become more committed to the game. Because now it seems like that they are getting out as early as possible to find enough time to shoot commercial ads.

Fri Feb 21 17:43:02 2003
Name: Chitrasen Singh
Your Views: :India victory over Zim. shows a little hope about Indian sports and its future otherwise now days our so called cricketer are well used to with studio lights and camera instead of sports grounds I don't understand if their motto is money so they should opt some otehr line , why to take sports.. I belive sports is something where you get satisfaction by playing good game.. where other see cordination and integration of every individual effort.. but here it looks hap hazard.. I pray.. for our teams ... they should come up from this situation... and perform well before all is end...

Fri Feb 21 17:44:31 2003
Name: Dinesh
Your Views: :Yes to an extent, but these endorsemnt create larger than life figures which put them into trouble. there should be a ceiling fixed on the same and may a benchmark for performance by which the one can earn more as per his performance.

Fri Feb 21 17:44:45 2003
Name: vidyadharan,.m.p
Your Views: :Cricketers now seem to be interested only in making money. They are not at all concerned about victories. They spend more time in shooting advertisements. It is time the ICC ban all advertisements which feature the current players.

Fri Feb 21 17:45:06 2003

Fri Feb 21 17:45:09 2003
Name: Ritesh Mahindra
Your Views: :no way endorsement will effect the practice session of the cricketers. They too have there personal life let them do what they like, its a request from my side to all the concern pl do not demoralise the team, support our team and pray for it.they do not have any super natural powers they are also human beings only.If you still wont stop critisizing and demoralising the team you yourself come and play for india if you can.

Fri Feb 21 17:45:30 2003
Name: rahul kaviya
Your Views: :i personally do not agree with this view.our cricket players are part of democratic country and have right to use their time the way they want.the life of a proffessional cricketer could be anything between 5 to maximum 15 years and they have to make money for their lifetime when they are in demand.endorsements are absolutely legal way to earn and if any player is overdoing it he is well aware of the pitfall of being dropped from the team if he fails to perform.

Fri Feb 21 17:46:23 2003
Name: srini
Your Views: :I'm not sure if it affects directly. Never the less, it shows how much money minded they are. If they had atleast done some practicing during the Ad shootings, they would be in a better form. They shd play the game for the sake of the game. They shd not feel complacent that they've played enough and made enough money and play just to remain in the team. All the above views are my own personal views and not to hurt anybody's feelings.

Fri Feb 21 17:47:50 2003
Name: Devarajan S
Your Views: :Dear Rediff, Endorsements per se is good for the players. It provides the incentive for the individuals to aspire for excellence as the greater performance leads to more remunerative endorsement contracts. It helps Businesses to grab the attention of consumers too. The PUBLIC'S MASS ACTION TO BOYCOTT THE PRODUCTS PROVIDES THE TOOL THAT IS NECESSARY TO MODERATE THE EXCESSES AND AS WELL AS TO KEEP THE PLAYERS ON THEIR TOES TO PERFORM. MASS ACTION AND REACTION OF THE BUSINESSES ACT AS THE GOOD DETERRENCE FOR NEGLIGENT PERFORMANCE BY THE PLAYERS. I wish that media does not advice mass actions and reactions as bad. Instead it should encourage and help to moderate the mass actions. It is as simple as that. Democracy and capitalistic systems are at their best when all the stakeholders are allowed to express their wishes with necessary checks and balances. Devarajan

Fri Feb 21 17:48:28 2003
Your Views: :endorsments do really interfere with cricketers'game.i am making this comment as a affects their concentration, commitment to the game & quality of the game.there should be some ceiling.

Fri Feb 21 17:48:51 2003
Your Views: :Yes by doing endorsement players are not able to rest during off season and this shows in their face during playing international games.

Fri Feb 21 17:49:00 2003
Name: Gans
Your Views: :It is within the player's rights to have endorsements, but there should be a limit as to how much and when they can allot time for shooting ads. There was only a 2 weeks break between the NZ tour and WC 2003 and most of our cricketers instead of taking a well earned rest, spend most of their time shooting the ads which we are shown on TV these days as well as attending promotional campaigns. Some restrictions has to be brought to this. While on tour , they always complain that the schedule is so packed and they dont get any rest at all, and when they get some rest, they spend it on ad shoots. Lesser ads wont mean that India will win often. It depends on how much the cricketers want it as well as how strict are the selectors in forgiving bad performances. If bad performers are made to sit out occassionally, the team performance will definitely improve. As of now, most of the players are taking their place in the eleven for granted.

Fri Feb 21 17:49:57 2003
Name: Prashanth
Your Views: :My view is that our cricketers are an overpaid and over hyped lot and need to be put in place. I feel the BCCI should put in place rules that forbid players from acting in commercials when a season is in progress, so that they can concentrate on the game.

Fri Feb 21 17:50:25 2003
Name: Raghu
Your Views: :Most of the Indian cricketers seem to be giving more importance to endorsements than practicing cricket and improving their cricketing skills. Featuring in lesser advertisements would not really improve their performance. It happens only when they really "put cricket first". They should not forget that the companies approach them only if they perform well on the field.

Fri Feb 21 17:50:47 2003
Name: naresh
Email: fans are fans
Your Views: :ya,i fully agree with effects the player performance,as film shoot or advt shoot require extra effort and skill,so if one want to excel in that as well he/she has to devote time in that, which means one has neglecting his main it certainly effect the performance.another thing which people are saying that are indian fans is also certainly linked to the same , because fans are fans and they bound to over react,because they are fans of stars ,so,stars have to perfom , otherwise they should retire or take a break to over come the lean period.its a circle,fans love stars then stars know their ratings and try to cash that by the means of they are earning because of this only . till the time they perform ,fans love them and they are cashing it by all means ,so to keep their performance in right shape,they must strike a balance between practice for the game and practice for the acting.otherwise these things going to happen again,and they feel lonely at the time of dismal performance.if they want to keep fans with them,they must not do that much of endorsement of the products. now time has come they must take professional approach in game as well.

Fri Feb 21 17:50:50 2003
Name: Sankaranarayanan
Your Views: :Sir, When sports lovers see the extra-ordinary things presumed to be done in the advertisements in sharp contrast to their very ordinary performance in the field , get irritated. The continous bad performance lead to the frustration of the viewing public. The enormous money earned by the players in endorsement, rather, make them lose their concentration level. Either by way of over-confidence or indifferent application to their paly. Yes, the endorsement money make our players sluggish and complecent. The public fury is justified. They players should realise that they are representing the nation and its pride and never allow to get their focus shifted.

Fri Feb 21 17:50:51 2003
Name: Praveen Agarwal
Your Views: :I dont think it really interferes with practice. The whole issue is discussed here because of the poor performance of our so called cricketing heroes. A few of the lot feel that theie position is fixed in the lineup irrespective of their hopeless performance. There is no fear of being sacked and that is why they are so complacent. They should be made accountable for their pathetic and spineless performance and then you see the results. These cricketers are interested in making money. The companies should have some responsibilities towards the game. In order to achieve their commercial interest they are killing the very spirit of the gentleman's game. No individual is above country's interest. Few players, because of one inning played in the past are still in the team with no use. And u see them in the commercial ads, songs etc. They come with the intention of playing the game but the money part becomes more important. The need of the hour is to take tough decision and throw the rotten apple. We will then see our cricketers play to their reputation and we will never have have to ask this question whether endorsement interfere practice sessions.

Fri Feb 21 17:51:05 2003
Name: Veera
Your Views: :No, I don't think so, there is clear demark-cation is there between the game they are playing and endorsements. So we should not bother to whom they are endorsed. While plaing they should concentrate on game.

Fri Feb 21 17:51:24 2003
Name: Sharath
Your Views: :Its pathetic to see crores of rupees being heaped upon cricketers assuming bat swinging postures to an imaginary ball as in the advetisements. Its the sheer fact that monetary compensation of such enormity induces a sense of complacency - why break your back for a few lakhs when crores are heaped with little or no regard to performance ? It is human nature and is assured for anyone in such a situation. Erase that gross disparity between what endorsements bring in and what the board pays as salary. And let manufacturers insist on 'performance then endorsement'. And then you will see results. That are laudable.

Fri Feb 21 17:52:20 2003
Name: preety
Your Views: :one should get influenced simply by endorsing by someone,whether cricketer,stats ,models etc.we should bye the products on its merits.

Fri Feb 21 17:52:27 2003
Name: ashfaq
Your Views: :It would be unfair on our part if we say they shoudnt be promoting brands bcoz as cricketing career doesnt last long enough for cricketer to survive on it alone, its very logical if they go in for some quick bucks However it also doesnt justify their poor performance. And its not about loosing instead going down without giving a proper fight.what they lack is not the talent but the application of it. Had they given proper fight to australian no indian would have mind their loosing, as the opponent was too strong. I hope they start afresh after the zimbabwe match,forgetting abt the past poor run ups and play with killer instinct and go getter attitude.

Fri Feb 21 17:53:02 2003
Name: upen shah
Your Views: :As Cricketer anggaged in advertishment it definetly affact in match.Because todays lots of cricket is going on, they even not spare time for family,eventhough they appears in Ads of companys rather than going for game plan Etc.

Fri Feb 21 17:53:10 2003
Name: PP
Your Views: :I dont think it makes any difference. How will Sachin endorsing Pepsi affect his performance. Only chance is by drinking Pepsi. Incase of Boost it will only help him get more energy. And how can we expect our cricketers or anyone to work 365 days a year. Already they are burdened with so many working days. tehy also need break, off from practice. Doing a shoot for a AD is not going to affect in any way. Actuall it will only make him want to perform better, so that he can ask for a higher price. If sachin hits five double hundreds and take our team to victory dont u think he can charge pepsi double the amount he is charging now? I think the only thing affecting cricketers is over play. Reduace the number of games or give rest to players by rotating them. Let others also earn. Keep a cut off like a player can play only 50 matches a year. Against weak teams take second string players, let them get experience. My only request to these players are, if you are endorsing a certain product pls make sure you also use it. I liked what Gopichand did, when a cola approached him for ad he refused saying he doesnt drink colas and he thinks its not good for health so he cant endorse the same

Fri Feb 21 17:54:00 2003
Name: obulareddy
Your Views: :Help half amount to who who ever does not have primary services like (food,water,shelter).if give that much money to crickers,definetely they will not play properly

Fri Feb 21 17:55:31 2003
Name: Jaydeep Choudhury
Your Views: :Of course I feel that by getting themselves engaged in commercial advertisements,the cricketers lose their concentration which they are expected to have while going to play.Although it is an obvious truth that everyone in this world wants to run after money,but in the case of Indian cricket players the same thing cannot be applied as they take with them the aspirations of an entire nation--all hopes of more than 100 crores people rest on their shoulders during a match of the Indian criket team.The players should be conscious about this and take adequate steps on their parts to safeguard and fulfill the dreams which the crores of Indian cricket fans dream regarding their national team.The cricket lovers in India consider the players of the national team as national heroes and people of such statute should lift themselves above the ordinary human craze for money and start thinking in nation's interest.The cricketer's first priority should be playing for India and then during offseason months they can get themselves involved in commercial advertisements.If they make a balance between these two things,it would be best for Indian cricket and also won't hurt the player's financially.

Fri Feb 21 17:56:04 2003
Name: Ravi Sailesh
Your Views: :Let Warne and others drink Pepsi and get doped. Let Players ride Hero bikes, but after being a hero for India. Please don't field using parachutes, just stop the runs on a true field. Don't wait for your mother's mobile call, listen to the country's heartbeat. Or, allow a commoner like me to play - i can maintain a minimum average of 9 runs per game without taking match fees. Sorry to be harsh on your commercials and You, but we are the ones who pump in the money. Jai Hind !!!

Fri Feb 21 17:56:46 2003
Name: srmukund
Your Views: :There is no link between both of them. There is no accountability in the team. Look at steve waugh he was dropped after bad performance in one series

Fri Feb 21 17:56:47 2003
Name: Shobhit Jain
Your Views: :NO, for a true professional like the football players, the formula one drivers, the Basket ball players, and many more, there is no reason as to why the endorsements should effect any member of the Indian Cricket team, and I know they are true professionals. On the other hand it should provide support, confidence and energy to the players that Millions of Indians are watching them, loving them and trusting them. There is no excuse for not trying ones level best, but i am of the strongest opinion that the endorsements or any other activity through which financial gains are achieved cannot and should not have a negative impact on the team. They are the best we have and we should back them to the fullest and not become a laughing stock of the whole world, if they don't succeed we will deal with them once they are back, but till the time they are on the field it's the best chance we have…CHALO INDIA.

Fri Feb 21 17:57:27 2003
Name: mohan malviya
Your Views: :yes they are more concerned about than cricket.thats why their performance is so poor.

Fri Feb 21 17:57:30 2003
Name: kunj c vora
Your Views: :i think their priority should be a cricket performance,they represent india,now they are public figure. cricket is their bread & butter,if they continue to have bad performances,people should boycott endorsed products, they need one (nokar,servant) to field for them,they are princes,maharajas,they cannot bend to field.

Fri Feb 21 17:57:50 2003
Name: Gautam Duseja
Your Views: :I dont think endorsements effect the performance of any player. Its just that they are going through a bad phase and unfortunately for india its happening during the world cup.

Fri Feb 21 17:58:13 2003
Name: anish
Your Views: :It doesnt matter as long as you play sensible shots and have the correct techniques to play the irght strokes and pace the innings

Fri Feb 21 17:58:30 2003
Name: Ravi Duvvuri
Your Views: :hmmmmmmmm...this is the harsh reality. Now cricket is played more in the ads than on the field by Indian team. Only "Bhajji" seems to be inspired by the endorsements. (Remember "Dada, aapne mera Chakka dekha !" and he is the only player to hit 6s in the first 2 games.)

Fri Feb 21 17:59:40 2003
Name: kiran
Your Views: :i dont think it will effect there performance, of course this will boost there performance as they will be getting more money if they play well

Fri Feb 21 18:01:01 2003
Name: Jaya
Your Views: :i dont agree with this sentiment....wht players do in their off time is no one's business..i think their poor form is because of their not being able to concentrate on wht they r doing...a lack of application cos maybe they r not as motivated to win this world cup as we r to see them win it....

Fri Feb 21 18:01:01 2003
Name: O.P.Bhutani
Your Views: :Performance has a direct link to committment and motivation which propels one to give it best. With the national character at the lowest ebb and likes of Bhagat Singh ,a rarity today ,money coming through endoresements bring in some kind of indifference in their efforts to give their best.

Fri Feb 21 18:01:55 2003
Name: Ashwani Kumar Awasthi
Your Views: :I fully agree with this report. Heard from Chief Executive (Mr. S. Seth) of Top ad co. that they have spent hundreds of hours in studio before world cup. These endorcements should be banned for Cricket Players or Minimise to 1/2 Brands only in a year. Besides game fee can be increased, for win full & half/75% for loss. These players are concentrating on ads more rather than cricket practise. Another thing BCCI should be handled by old players and not by Industrialists. There should be proper coach & psychetrics within the team.

Fri Feb 21 18:02:00 2003
Name: Bhushan Parab
Your Views: :I Think this is there personal endeavours & no body should bother about the same. Infact we should ask question to ourselves that "are we doing our own things right" ? For most of the people answer will come "no. So instead of putting pressure on Indian team we should support them whether they win or loose. Then only in the near future we will see a favourable change in our sports.

Fri Feb 21 18:02:02 2003
Name: seshu
Your Views: :It is better if they concentrate on different sports. By over concentrating cricket,indirectly they are spoiling the real performance of individuals & group. Now every one feels that players are concentrating on ads. If it continoues like this, people diffenetly will take some tough decisions.

Fri Feb 21 18:02:30 2003
Name: Sue Fue
Your Views: :Yes very much. they should be banned from doing commericials.

Fri Feb 21 18:04:59 2003
Name: Vikram
Your Views: :Endorsing brands cannot affect performance in any way.. but there is a very closely related problem.. we see these ads on TV and our expectations reach unattainable heights.. all in all, there is no one to blame in this story.. the cricketers make money like any of us, corporations make money using them, we get entertained and sometimes fooled.. it is all a very entertaining game - worth watching and enjoying.. not analyzing and breaking our heads.. have fun guys.

Fri Feb 21 18:05:00 2003
Name: Astik Mukherjee
Your Views: :endorsements should be Team based rather than individual based .Ther can be a gradation on the seniority ect etc .but the important thing is the incentives of endorsements should also be performance based ... Why are we harping on invidual records always , we have the highest run getters,wicket takers but are very poor on Team performance.a great player is one who gets the team to win .In the last twenty years we can hardly count If we have had such individuals..

Fri Feb 21 18:05:05 2003
Name: Praveen
Your Views: :They should be more in nets than sets

Fri Feb 21 18:05:14 2003
Name: Yogesh
Your Views: :Certainly, these players, I guess have lost the drive to improve their performance. They forget that they are what they are because of the game.

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