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Anna Nicole Smith's doctor speaks

March 27, 2007
Kapoor feels he has been hastily judged and vilified in the media.

One of the very few Los Angeles doctors with a publicist -- in this case Mark Saylor who worked for The Los Angeles Times for over two decades before starting a publicity agency --

Kapoor fears his celebrity status could turn public opinion against him or hurt him professionally.

Meanwhile, the State Medical Board of California started investigating Kapoor, who reportedly prescribed methadone to Smith when she was eight-and-a-half months pregnant last August.

Kapoor, who, according to the medical web site, HealthGrades, (which provides information about a medical professional or a medical facility), has no violations or disciplinary action on his medical record.

His lawyer and publicist feel because of "the bizarre and unfair coverage," they have to be "very circumspect" about saying anything beyond carefully worded statements.

Kapoor, who was born in London to an engineer father and clinical psychologist mother, also wants to be known more than a -- as his resume put it -- 'entertainment doctor.' He spoke of the Krishna Kapoor Center for Memory Disorders near Los Angeles as one of his favorite projects.

"It was started by me and is named after my paternal grandmother who suffered from Alzheimer's disease," he said. "She lived with us when I was in high school and it was very difficult to see her mental decline. I felt so frustrated that there was no treatment for this disease. The center focuses on diagnosis and treatment of memory disorders and also supports research in this area. The fund for the center is endowed by my senior most uncle Surgit Kapoor, in memory of his mother."

Image: Dr Sandeep Kapoor at his clinic.

Also see: All about The Namesake
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