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Netiquette: What not to do online
Disha Pinge
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July 10, 2007

Three things that cometh not back: the arrow, the lost opportunity and the spoken word or, in this case, the typed word. Online-etiquette or 'netiquette' is the way a person behaves in the virtual world in emails and chat-rooms. As there is no direct contact with the person in virtual correspondence, it is easy to forget etiquette and good manners.


Appearing to be badly behaved in emails and other forms of online communication can damage your reputation. If it is professional correspondence, you would do well to know the netiquette rules, so as to not offend the person in question. So here are some conventions to follow the next time you get online.

It is quite easy to follow these rules and maintain a healthy virtual relationship in chat rooms and with colleagues in professional emails. The easiest reminder is: would you say the same thing if you were face-to-face with that person?


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