Review: Runway 34

'Runway 34 is a clumsy cocktail of Hollywood movies spiked with the Bollywood brand of God complex.' Read on

The Course Mate who will be Chief

Colonel K Thammayya Udupa (retd) on his batchmate General Manoj Pande who will take over as Army chief on May 1. Read on

How communal violence can hurt India

'It is a frightening situation as the most threatening aspect is the development and growth of society.' Read on

'We knew we were playing with our lives'

IAF Veteran Air Commodore Nitin Sathe on how the air force rescued those trapped in the Deoghar cable cars disaster. Read on

Why India played Pak In 2019 World Cup

A revealing excerpt from Vinod Rai's Not Just A Nightwatchman: My Innings In The BCCI. Read on

Is Blue Esha's favourite olour?

Esha seems to have a blue look ready for every occasion. Read on

Tragicomedy in the Congress

'An old party like the Congress cannot rely solely on the prescriptions of a 'doctor' whose motives and intentions are still unknown.' Read on

Make English compulsory, Mandarin second language

'Anybody who's plugged in to the modern, globalised world will understand why.' Read on

Too early to cheer up on economy

'So, while it is great that India's numbers look relatively good, don't raise a cheer just yet.' Read on

OTT: What you can watch on long weekend

Stars. Substance. Style. Sukanya Verma lists them all on OTT this week. Read on

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