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No world power can mediate in Kashmir: Wisner

Mukhtar Ahmed in Srinagar

"No world power, including the US, can mediate between India and Pakistan on the Kashmir issue," Frank Wisner said in Srinagar on Thursday.

The US ambassador to India has just concluded a three day visit to the state, his first since the National Conference won the reins of power last September.

The time is ripe for the Kashmir problem to be settled, Wisner said. "A dialogue has to be held in a context built by both countries and the US can only play the role of an architect in building that context," he added.

Wisner, who spoke eloquently about this subject in Jammu on Tuesday, reiterated that the will of the state's people should be considered while solving the dispute. Referring to the UN resolutions and the Simla Agreement between India and Pakistan, the ambassador said significantly, "We have to see today's realities and what shall happen tomorrow, not go into the past."

The Clinton administration, the US envoy said, was concerned about human rights, the security situation and the economy in J&K.. This, he said, was underscored by the fact that this was his fourth visit to the state. He agreed that violence in the valley had decreased, but felt ''there is still too much violence in this beautiful state.''

Earlier in the day, Wisner had a breakfast meeting with All Party Hurriyat Conference leaders at the APHC headquarters. APHC chairman Maulvi Omar Farooq and senior leader Syed Ali Geelani briefed the US diplomat about the situation in the valley.

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