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The soldier who turned filmmaker

August 2, 2006
Major Ravi, a recipient of the President's medal, joined the Indian army as a jawan in 1975 after failing his Class 10. Once in the army, he graduated from Army Cadet College and became a Commando in 1988. He led the team that broke into the house where Sivarasan, the one-eyed man allegedly behind the Rajiv Gandhi assassination, was. It was, which according to him, "a disgusting operation."

After working for around two decades in the Indian Army, he quit to become a military consultant for a number of Indian films. Although he had earlier made a children's film called Punarjani, Keerthichakra (Aran in Tamil) can be described as Major Ravi's first feature film. After several release dates, it is finally set to release on August 4.

In an interview to Shobha Warrier, Major Ravi talks about his journey from army officer to filmmaker.


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