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Delhi Capitals' asst physio tests positive for COVID-19

Last updated on: September 06, 2020 23:11 IST

Delhi Capitals

IMAGE: Photograph used for representational purpose only. Photograph: Delhi Capitals/Instagram

Delhi Capitals' assistant physiotherapist has tested positive for COVID-19 after arriving, in Dubai, for the Indian Premier League, starting September 19.


He was already going through his mandatory quarantine and had tested negative for his first two tests after his arrival in Dubai, a media release from the franchise said.

"He tested positive for the third one," it said.

"He was yet to meet with, and had not been in contact with any players or staff of the franchise. He was isolated immediately, and is currently at the IPL Isolation Facility in Dubai for the next 14 days."

After that he will have to produce two negative reports to be able to join the Delhi Capitals squad.

The physiotherapist, whose name has not been revealed by the IPL team, is the 15th person related to IPL teams to test positive for the virus.