
Columns from Dilip D'souza

Plight of Fancy
November 14, 2012
India Real is the most fascinating country in the world
I know something about such stories. They thrill me, they give me goose pimples, and then they fill me with despair. Because they are also a commentary, says Dilip D'Souza about one such India story.
July 27, 2010
Binayak Sen's conviction should alarm us all
'Governments now know well: Mention the word 'Maoist', and plenty people otherwise sceptical of the government become instant believers.'
July 21, 2010
Stock markets? Nah! How about rum instead?
The strange and unfathomable ways of the stock markets.
July 30, 2010
Our language has let us down in Pakistan talks
Apart from S M Krishna's performance in Islamabad, a perusal of the statements made in recent weeks by the Indian side reveals an unfortunate lack of precision in the use of language.
July 28, 2010
Too many Indians... that is Joel Stein's problem
Indians, cosseted by stories about their success in America, often think they are the golden immigrants, the good ones, guests who can come for dinner. And stay. Perhaps now the blinders will come off, writes Sandip Roy
July 27, 2010
S M Qureshi, then and now
'Shah Mehmood Qureshi also happens to be the Sajjada Nashin (family custodian) of the dargah of the Sufi saint Bahauddin Zakaria in Multan. In 2005, when a Delhi-Multan peace march on the initiative of civil societies of both countries reached the mazar for the culmination of the march, he said something which people in Pakistan would normally avoid saying.'
July 26, 2010
Delhi's radioactive leak: The other side
The inputs collected from the victims by an Atomic Energy Regulatory Board scientist gave vital clues which helped to identify the source of Delhi's radioactive leak, points out Dr K S Parthasarathy, former secretary with the Board. Why India needs Myanmar on its side
'China has made rapid advances into Myanmar.... Radars have been reported to have been erected on Myanmar's west coast to monitor Indian missile tests.'
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