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Chatwal's mega fundraiser for Hillary

June 25, 2007
At the outset, after thanking Chatwal for putting together the event and for his son Vikram Chatwal for introducing her, Clinton said: "I don't believe there's ever been a bigger event than this one tonight from the Indian-American community."

Emphasising the importance of education, Clinton said, "Education starts in the family and strong families are a key to successful children doing well in school. And, one of the great accomplishments that the Indian-American community has demonstrated is the commitment to education and I applaud you," as once again the crowd erupted.

Among those present were Asia Society chairman and former senior Clinton Administration official Richard Holbrooke, who is strongly touted to be the Secretary of State if she wins the nomination and presidency, New York Democratic Congressmen Joe Crowley and Gregory Meeks, two people who have the largest Indian constituencies in their districts and Christine C Quinn, Speaker of the New York City Council, who Chatwal introduced "as the next mayor of New York City."

Image: Over 1,200 Indian-Americans attended the fundraiser.
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