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'A lot of things need to change in India'

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 09:50:10EST -0800
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

Banita's story was touching. However, just feeling sorry will not help. Is there a way to help Banita behn with some cash and clothes?

This may even become a starting point for you to set up a trust in her name. I will help by contacting my friends.

Sunil Kakkar

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 10:48:01EST -0700
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

It would have been wonderful if after telling the whole story of Banita, some fund or plan was brought out to prevent such things from happening again. Mere reporting is not enough, taking charge to remove the root of a problem is what is desired.

A follow up on the story coupled with what rediff and others did for her should be told to the people. Only if we acknowledge and appreciate even the smallest contribution and help will we be able to inspire others.

Indu Jain

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 09:12:08EST -0800
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

I would like to send Banita some money, but I am not sure how to reach it to her. One fact bothers me though -- it would be great if the lady could use the money to finance herself and her household. But I am afraid she might use it to marry off her daughter (of 10 years).

I feel it would be better to work with some organisation which will ensure that the lady puts the money to good use -- something like educating her children rather than marrying them off (at such tender ages). Would rediff be willing to help out in this regard, or would it be possible to send money to some charitable organization and get them to sponsor her ?

Keep up the great work! I think rediff is one of the best online news magazines on the Web.

Ram Ramasubramanian

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 11:33;38EST -0500
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

Banita'a story is unbelievable. I am an Indian living in the States. I used to think very highly of my cultural background. I am very proud of what the Gita or Hinduism has taught me and then I come across story like Banita's! All my pride is shattered now.

I agree there is evil in every society, there will be some people who will slip through the net of social justice, but in India it is the masses that have done so and are missing any justified opportunities or reward for their hard work. This is more so in the case of women. Their plight is pitiful. Ironocally, this is so in the land that worships the Devi.

It is easy to lash out at our country and its culture from afar. And that is not what I am trying to do. What we Indians living all around the world should do is to keep the dialogue open and keep addressing such issues till we create a very high level of social awareness which will not permit such things to happen to anyone.

Living in the USA, it is not the economic rewards that I enjoy, it is the freedom from the social and cultural barriers which I cherish. And I am thankful for the opportunities that my three daughters will have living here.

It is true that Indians have been more successful outside India than in India. And that is simply because a lot of things need to change in India. At least so that we don't have any more Banitas.

Sonal Shah

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 09:46:26EST
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

I commend your efforts at bringing to light such a story which sheds light on our greedy system that would go to any extent to get attention or credit out of anything and once they get what they need, the poor subject is abandoned to fend for himself. There are many Banitas out there who need help.

I work as an engineer in the US and belong to an Indian community. I would like to know if Banita can be reached out to and helped in any way.

Gautam Sarkar

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 21:36:43EST +0900
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

Thank you for bringing Banita's story to the attention of the public. I'd like to make a few suggestions.

You must be aware of It is a charity site in which food is donated by the sponsors each time a user clicks on the button and is distributed the world over. Can rediff develop such a site to feed hungry people in India? I am sure users will be more than happy to click every day! And since yours is a well-known site, thre will definitely be plenty of hits.

Namrata Ashar

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 20:12:03EST +0530
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

You have written about Banita alright but tell us, did you not carry some food, or money or some sort of gift for her? After all, the media does pay worthless people for providing good copy? Don't deny it, the giving may be covert, but you do spend money for good copy, right? What you can at least do is try to sell the story and send Banita some money out of the proceeds.

Mukesh Anjaria

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 09:03:05EST -0500
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

It was appalling to read about the woman who was sold for Rs 40 when she was just 14! I would like to help her and her family by making a donation. I could send a check or money order in US dollars.

Kindly let me know if you can help me reach the money to the right hands.

Rajesh Kuppuswamy

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 13:28:33EST -0500
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

All Banita is earning is Rs 250 and even that is not paid to her regularly! Can anything be done to provide some financial assistance to her? I would like to do my bit for the poor family. I would appreciate it if you could suggest a way by which I can reach the family.

Prafulla Aherrao

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 11:13:46EST -0800
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

I read Banita's story and never mind what the government has or has not done, can I have the opportunity to help the poor lady? Can I send her some money?

I have a suggestion, one which might increase rediff's popularity -- you could perhaps open a fund, so people could send in tax free donations to help the deserving. I know there are hundreds of funds like that already, but this fund collection would have a subtle and perhaps vital difference in the mode of collection. An article that describes the misery of someone could be followed with a link to a small note, "You could help this person by sending in a donation ..." (Principle: Strike the iron when it is hot. If the article vividly describes the misery someone is going through then surely many people will send in donations).

Yes, we do have a rather dysfunctional government, but perhaps we could share responsibility by being more proactive in our actions rather than just cursing the government.

Shailesh Vaaya

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 12:31:16EST -0700
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

It is very sad that Indian women have to undergo such torture. I was also wondering if your camera crew and the reporter who reported this story did help Banita with money so that she and her family could eat some good food or did you guys just come away after you got your news and did not bother to help her?

Is there a way (like a trustworthy organisation) through which I can send Banita who lives in Kalahandi some money periodically so that she and her family can eat some good food everyday?

I live in Chandler, Arizona, USA. Please let me know if there is some way by which I can help Banita.

Anjali Raghunandan

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 14:48:37EST -0600
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

I started reading news reports recently and I really admire the fact that you bring out ugly but true facts to the notice of the net users. On moving to the US, I realised that even this country has many problems, but the fact that strikes me about India and cases like Banita is the indifference of the average Indian towards the sorrows and difficulties of his countrymen. I hope we soon start empathising with our country and its problems.


Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 21:03:19EST +0100
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

Banita's story is really unfortunate. I am ashamed of calling myself an Indian. Such poverty is the result of corruption, we have only our leaders and ourselves to blame for it. India should break up rather than remaining unified and letting these blood suckers in the guise of politicians suck the blood of our sisters and mothers and force them into prostitution. No wonder there is Naxalism in India!

I would like to have Banita's postal address so I can send her some money.


Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 13:28:55EST -0800
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

I didn't understand the purpose of bringing up this news item. I strongly feel there should have been some information on how we people can help her too.

Satyavathi Parvatham

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 13:29:12EST -0800
Subject: Sold for Rs 40, Banita cries for justice

The article was indeed touching. I would like to know the real motive behind this article. Is it just to increase your popularity or will this article be of any help to Banita? When you collect information like this for an article, why can't you contact any charitable institution or an organisation which is willing to help these poor victims with some help from the public? You can also give the charitable institution's address along with the article so that interested people can send in money to support these families.

I understand it is not only Banita who is in trouble, but there are so many Indian suffering like her. If rediff can put in this little extra effort, that would really help those who are in need.

Rajesh Babu K

Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 14:27:34EST -0800
Subject: Sold for rs 40, Banita cries for justice

I work for a software company in California, USA. I am extremely touched by your article. I am sure there are many Banitas out there who are helpless and poor. I think Banita's story should be brought to the notice of charitable organisations like CRY both in India and in the US. I am a volunteer for CRY in the US and help increase awareness about the organisation here so that we can get donations for India. Please put her on to CRY in India so we can help her.

Preethi Viswanathan

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