Though from Tamil Nadu, Karunakarn is making a bi-lingual for the first time. The film is produced by Ravi Kishore of Sravanti Movies. Ram's co-star is Tamannaah.
At the launch in Chennai, Ram, who was born and brought up in Chennai, said, "I am happy to be finally making my debut in Tamil. As I am well versed in Tamil,
He had opted out of Gautham Menon's tri-lingual film because, he said, Gautham was shooting all the three versions simultaneously and it was taking a long time for the shooting to begin. "By then, my dates clashed. No hard feelings. I will definitely be working with Gautham Menon in future."
Yen Endraal Kadhal Enben also stars Radhika Apte, Anu Haasan, Raghu Babu, Suman Shetty, and Sayaji Shinde.
G V Prakash scores the music and Andrews handles the camera.
The film is expected to release shortly.