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'That one hour is to make you a bigger star than Shah Rukh Khan'

It was fun watching you with Santosh -- Rachna Sharma's mother (Episode 8).

Sorry, you know, I am bad at names, I forget names. That does not mean they are not important to me. This is the teacher from Jind, right?


Ya, ya. She was good. Many times, when people come on the shows, there are four emotions very clearly there. They are very uptight. They are very nervous because they are carrying the whole burden of, perhaps, like the lady said in the beginning -- I don't know whether she said it on the show or not, I think she did -- she said, you know, I am carrying the burden of this whole small township. And I am a teacher.

And, see, it's... it is very nerve wracking. I don't know if you guys can come and see (the show) while it is being shot -- you have a movie star sitting in front of you; you have 500 people sitting around you; you have never perhaps been on television in your life; you've never worn makeup -- at least the kind they expect you to wear; you have been waiting for two-and-a-half hours with butterflies in your stomach, wondering if you will make it from the fastest finger first section to the hot seat. And when you do, then there is this whole chance that your life could change or you could completely be embarrassed.

Under the circumstances, some people get very uptight and Rachna was one of them. But I think it is my fault; I should have been able to put her more at ease though I think it would take a few sittings with her to do that (laughs). She was a little on the strict, uptight side...

And then, she was very nervous. At the end of the show, she came up to me and said I'm feeling bad that I behaved the way I did with you. And I would like to say that you are a gentleman and you have very good values. I was a bit rude to you.

(When a KBC contestant chooses to leave the show with the money he/ she has won, instead of tackling a question to which they do not know the answer, Khan had asked them to hug him instead of saying 'I'm abandoning the game.' When Rachna decided to leave the game, she said so and added that she had no desire to hug Khan. The celebrity host hugged her mother, Santosh, instead and gave the cheque to her.)

A lot of my people, while watching, they got very angry. How could you allow this, they asked? You must tell them not to show this. But my logic is that one hour is to make you a bigger star than Shah Rukh Khan. That whole idea is that.

I may never see them again. Most probably I won't. Neither will they ever see me live again. Neither will have an opportunity like this. So I hope they can carry back these 45 minutes, half an hour, one hour that they spend at KBC feeling they were the biggest stars in the country, or at least that they were bigger than Shah Rukh Khan.

Don't Miss: Watching King Khan on the hot seat
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