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January 10, 2003
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'How do we make sure miscreants don't get dual citizenship'?

Previous: 'Fears about dual citizenship are unwarranted'

Fri Jan 10 13:36:30 2003
Name: Sridhar
Your Views: Definitely. At the least it will save the trouble of applying for Visa each time one visits India.

Fri Jan 10 13:38:13 2003
Name: Narendra Bhatnagar
Your Views: Dual citizenship is a very good idea.It will help Pravasi Bhartiya a chnce to prove that they can also do something for their motherland.They will bring lots of money into the country which will ultimately help in solving the vast unemployment & pverty of our country.Living standard of our country will also improve.They will also bring lots of new technology in our country that will create a lots of new jobs.Our youth will be at par with the youth of other developed country.In few years time India will be a power in world market.It will not take long for India to realise its potential & its capacity to serve the humanity worldover.So I think its a very good move to offer dual citizenship.I thanks a lot to Mr Bajpaei as well as to government of India . There will be no security threat from this.If there is any security threat it will be even without this.For security threat this is a negative thinking.For security we should improve our local intelligency rather than blaming for other reasons.Our local intelligency is good only for law follower not for law abider.If a law follower go to LIU for a character certificate they will give them a hell of a time.Law is being broken by LIU

Fri Jan 10 13:39:11 2003
Name: amandeep
Your Views: dual citizenship will benefit only nri's but not the economy of india because even with citizenship of india they will not be willing to invest in india because the they don not get proper facilities for business in will be infact a danger to country security.

Fri Jan 10 13:41:00 2003
Name: Prof. Dr. P.A.Venkatachalam
Your Views: Dual citizenship will certainly benifi India. A talentd PIO will certainly contribute the best of his might only to the country of his citizenship since he enjoys all the benifits of citizenship. Why he should give india which ignores him not permitting to have assets in India?. He looses the feeling of belonging to India. By giving dual citizenship it is possible to extract his maximum talents more than the forign country, where he now lives, can get. In addition to giving citizenship, if he is offered all the facilities now he enjoys in a foreign country, there is a possibilty to extract from him the full talents for the benifit of India. Also by dual citizenship it is possible to get increased foreign exchange in the form of bank deposits and assets.

Fri Jan 10 13:41:15 2003
Name: Malik
Your Views: Dual citizen is a necessary and most important rule for the NRIs. It is good and welcome.

Fri Jan 10 13:43:57 2003
Name: sandeep
Your Views: Thank you BJP and Vajpeiji. BJP shows others how to rule and attract people to party. We need Primministers like Atalji and Party like BJP.Once again THANK YOU VERY MUCH ATALJI AND BJP

Fri Jan 10 13:44:29 2003
Name: Mohan
Your Views: It is good to know that India is giving dual citizenship to NRIs. This status should be given to all NRIs irrespective of the country where they are currently in. But what are the benefits of this to the NRIs. If it is going to cost them a bundle like the PIO card to obtain and retain the dual citizenship and the passport that may go with it, it may not be very attractive. The Indian government should not use this just to raise money. The scheme should have real value like hassle-free passage to and from India anytime,tax like the locals, good investment options and equal status like the locals in educational opportunities for children of NRIs. Presently NRIs are treated as milk cows and all the instituions in India have rules/procedures to take more money form NRIs. What is required is equal stauts not special status at exhorbitant costs. Let this not be just a publicity gimmick. It would be better to study the Chinese model in greater detail and see how China treats the overseas Chinese and adopt some of their worth-while practices. This grant of dual citizenship may be attractive to first-generation migrants but their children and grand-children may not deem it worthwhile.

Fri Jan 10 13:46:37 2003
Name: Pran Parashar
Your Views: Dear Sir, Dual nationailty can be good and bad like everythign else. If granted on after checking up the antecedents of the person it can be good. NRI in olden days stood for "NOT REQUIRED IN INDA". Today it stands for "NOW REQUIRED IN INDIA". Given an opportunity those oldie goldie NRI's would contribute consderably to the progress of the country. After all they made good when there was no hope for them in India. Theyounger NRI's should be encouraged to consider coming back with the hope that if need be they can always avail of their well earned nationality in foreign lands.

Fri Jan 10 13:47:18 2003
Name: Sharmila Shankar
Your Views: I feel that dual citizenship is beneficial, because people would get the best of both the worlds - Eastern and Western. On the whole, it may not be good in the interests of people as they may try to send secrets of one country to another and it will lead to National problems.

Fri Jan 10 13:48:59 2003
Name: Sharmila Shankar
Your Views: I feel that dual citizenship is beneficial, because people would get the best of both the worlds - Eastern and Western. On the whole, it may not be good in the interests of people as they may try to send secrets of one country to another and it will lead to National problems.

Fri Jan 10 13:51:29 2003
Name: Deepak
Your Views: Its fine in principle but unfortunately our NRIs have an attitude problem which will be further accentuated by this offer. They will notch themselves a couple of points higher than their country cousins living in India. Further, its very discriminatory by virtue of being offered to only those PIOs living in 7 countries and not to PIOs living in other countries. It smacks of globalizing our caste system.

Fri Jan 10 13:54:00 2003
Name: vaempuli
Your Views: It is not advisable to grant citizenship to someone who, for whatever reason, decided to give up his/her Indian citizenship voluntarily for some benefit, at somepoint of time. The act of giving up Indian citizenship shows the attachment to India. It is also unfair to let them enjoy the benefits of being an Indian citizen after this and given their financial strength, they can, not only bend rules to get their job done, but also exploit the, ordinary, but true Indian. It is also difficult to believe that they won't behave favourably towards the nation they have voluntarily become citizens of. In short they can't be trusted , for the simple reason that they gave up their Indian citizenship once. It may sound harsh and is incorrect in case of people who were sent to countries like South A

Frica, Malaysia as labourers, they didn't have much choice. But neither many of them going to queue up for Indian citizenship.

Fri Jan 10 13:56:53 2003
Name: A. Datta
Your Views: My opinion is that Govt. should have only given them "Permanent resident" status. A country of the size of India need to stand on the stregth of it's one billion people residing right inside. Those NRI which will come back to India , will love india, will do so no matter what. The dual citizenship unfortunately opens up the gate for all kind of people with money but with bad intention w.r.t India's national inetrest.

Fri Jan 10 13:57:03 2003
Name: Krish
Your Views: No, there should not be any dual citizenship. If he wants to be an India, let him be only Indian!

Fri Jan 10 13:57:03 2003
Name: Krish
Your Views: No, there should not be any dual citizenship. If he wants to be an India, let him be only Indian!

Fri Jan 10 13:58:17 2003
Name: Tony Philip
Your Views: I think that this policy will not be of any big advantage for India and NRI's. According to my knowledge most of the NRI's are interested in making money and enjoying life in foreign countries in there good period of life and they will come to India only at there old ages to do some thing good that too people who are very wealthy. So this policy may not help Inida to a bigger extend for developement.

Fri Jan 10 14:10:38 2003
Name: Srinivas Bhamidipati
Your Views: This is just superb. We have all been waiting for this. It gives us NRI oppurtunity to look for avenues to return to India.

Fri Jan 10 14:12:10 2003
Name: arun
Your Views: sure it is. but it should be provided for indians in more countries

Fri Jan 10 14:31:51 2003
Name: Vidya V
Your Views: The only advantage we can see is that you dont have to waste one or more days to get Indian Visa. Moreover,people working in Indian embassy are never cordial. Many Indians think that dual citizenship is a must since you cannot hold any property in India. They are not aware of the latest law. It has been changed few years ago, and dunno why no portal/media doesn't highlight this

Fri Jan 10 14:32:15 2003
Name: Vidya V
Your Views: The only advantage we can see is that you dont have to waste one or more days to get Indian Visa. Moreover,people working in Indian embassy are never cordial. Many Indians think that dual citizenship is a must since you cannot hold any property in India. They are not aware of the latest law. It has been changed few years ago, and dunno why no portal/media doesn't highlight this

Fri Jan 10 14:33:13 2003
Name: Saumya
Your Views: hi i am an indian residing is australia. I want to take up the australian citizenship as i consider australia a place i call home. The only thing that has stopped me so far is the fact that i would have to surrender my indian citizenship which i think would be criminal as i am foremost an indian and do not want my connection to my homeland taken away. I greatly appreciate this step taken by theindian govt.

Fri Jan 10 14:34:16 2003
Name: Bhushan
Your Views: Yes it is helpful. It is more than just an emotional bond which a non resident Indian wouild liek to keep with the country of his roots. It can help people with expertise in their fields who are not living in India to contribute to the national development if India, help India economically.

Fri Jan 10 14:39:49 2003
Name: K. S. Meenakshisundaram
Your Views: The term "Pravasi Bharatiya" itself is wrong and laughable. Once he/she leaves Bharat, he/ she is no more a "Bharatiya". He/she is only a "Pravasi" - A veritable "Dhobi Ka Kuththa, Na Ghar Ka Na Ghat Ka". Na Bharat Ka Na America/ Gulf Ka.

Fri Jan 10 14:49:23 2003
Name: Unnikrishnan
Your Views: I think its a good decision which should have been taken long time back. I see a major effect of this decision in US where lots of NRIs who have been holding on to green card only due to fear of loss of indian citizenship. WIth dual citizenship the politicians of this country is bound to take the view of all these NRIs seriously and we will be able to see the effect in major policy decisions taken by US and european countries. Indian community being very large will definetly have an edge in many major decisions which might be indirectly related to India.Results will be visible in due course of time. Selective countries being given this privelage is also a good decision.

Fri Jan 10 14:49:48 2003
Name: yalamalapala
Your Views: nahasta kharoor tingura mulavasta kulla tasta.

Fri Jan 10 14:50:55 2003
Name: Subramanian R. Iyer
Your Views: As it is the Government is planning to issue Dual Citizenships only to PIO's from selected countries. I suppose this will again be a filtered issue and not everyone and anyone will be given the same. Dual citizenship will be a good idea and there are lots of PIO's who still feel that they are very much Indian, even though they hold a different country's passport currently. Moreover only people who still have relatives in India will be intereseted to apply under this scheme. As it is now, anyone from Pakistan/Bangladesh can still smuggle himself into India and no difference can be made whether he is an Indian or a Pakistani. Moreover only people who have the Indian pride will want to apply for Dual citizenship. There are many people who would have adopted another country's citizenship, due to some un-recitable reasons. This will give them an opportunity to get their Indianess back.

Fri Jan 10 15:05:11 2003
Name: Jayan Menon
Your Views: I think dual Citizen ship is good for people of Indian Origin. Many people who stayed a long time in foreign countries do not apply for citizenship there, because they cant imagine of taking a visa for going to India. At the same time they are loosing many advantages of local entreprenuers and professionals just because they are foreigners.

Fri Jan 10 15:08:36 2003
Name: P.K.PURI
Your Views: It is certaily of help in term of hasselfree travel with no visa requirement. This also qualify lot of RBI requiements in term of investment in this country. This is also termed as re cognization of Indians in term of contibution to the country in multy way.

Fri Jan 10 15:13:41 2003
Your Views: it is excellent concept.I am apreceating our government because they have good vision. And also they are thinking for nation. They is no misuse will be there. first we should stat something then result will be come after wards we will rectify our mistakes.

Fri Jan 10 15:16:32 2003
Name: Ishvinder Singh
Your Views: Though belated this is a good begening for India. The NRI's are a great bridge between India and the rest of the world. However India should do more to help those NRI's who need more help from India especially in A

Frica /Fiji and the gulf regions. The Indian authorities should not focus only on the rich NRI's setteled in western countries.

Fri Jan 10 15:21:29 2003
Name: Abhay
Your Views: I think it is a very nice step towards reducing complexity in our economy,this step will surely boost our economy and FDI into INDIA.It will also be helpful in increasing our forex reserve.These NRI can also suggest some methods for our development. But it may also be misused by some,therefore the government will have to remain careful towards those persons who want to increase terrorist activities in our country especially persons of Pakistan and Bangladesh who live in US and UK.

Fri Jan 10 15:25:20 2003
Name: Pankaj Kumar Barr
Your Views: I think, dual citizenship is good for our country. because, money influx will take place in a large measure in our country. Next thing, they were Indian earlier, so no problem if we think like this. They are aware of state-of-art technology. It is going to be profitable. but it should be impartial. Not only seven countries, but all countries PIOs should avail this kind of facility.

Fri Jan 10 15:27:57 2003
Name: John
Your Views: I dont think that there will be any misuse of the dual citizenship. But this is not what they deserve they just demand some clean and effective government just as their host countries have. Until then these things are gimics!

Fri Jan 10 15:36:55 2003
Name: Rohit
Your Views: Granting dual citizenship is a good step towards uniting Indians living abroad & let them realise that they are Indians but how many of them really view this dual citizenship as being an Indian to help Indian. There has to be a commitment from the NRI / PIO to work in favour of India & its people rather than just giving all the benefits to them. If similiar benefits are given to Indian business people in form of good industrial policies I would say that will build the GDP or for that matter will improve the economical strength of India rather that NRI / PIO money. NRI/PIO are not going to invest in India without their own interest or for that matter to rule themselves in their country of residence by exploiting India / Indian people. I would say there has to be a fix investment from NRI/PIO lobby to invest in India (i.e. say 5% of their annual salary has to be given to Indian govt. for its infrastructural development) then this dual citizen ship would be of beneficial. Further to above Indian living in India should be given even better opportunities by building Indian business abroad rather than giving NRI who will hardly put anything here.

Fri Jan 10 15:47:55 2003
Name: Rajan Dua
Your Views: In the present times, when so much is being done towards globalisation such as opening up of the indian economy, privatisation etc; I feel "dual citizenship" was long due. Undoubtedly it will act as an important confidence boosting measure for the PIO's who have always been willing to contribute to india's cause but have been deterred either by the supine attitude of the bureaucracy or the complexity of the concerning laws. As to the misuse of dual citizenship for nefarious activities,we cannot negate the benefits of this measure for merely what i consider to be an administrative problem. Sitting at a place for fear of obstacles will lead us nowhere.I am sure that everyone will agree to this that the solution to the myriad problems india is facing today is a healthy and progressive economy.Socio-economic security is indispensible towards creating a welfare state.Also, as a precautionery measure this concept has been introduced in 7 countries only.If it works well for these countries it should certainly be implemented for the remaining countries to give the PIO's there the same benefits and make them feel an inseperable part of the revered homeland to which they once belonged.

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