1. Gender
2. Marital Status
3. Age group
4. Employment Status
5. Location

Let's get started!

1. Do you believe there is a gender bias in your organization? Are women discriminated against in terms of the role offered, salary, promotions, etc?
2. If you are a woman answering this question… have you faced any bias in finding a job or getting a promotion because you were recently married or are expecting a baby or have recently had a baby?
3. Do you believe that opting for part-time, flexible working hours, working from home, etc, post maternity reduces career growth opportunities for women?
4. What can companies do to get more women back to the workforce after a maternity break? Choose the top three options:
        Provide creche facilities
        Provide flexible working hours
        Provide more part-time jobs
        Option to work from home
        Provide alternate career training/ career counselling
        Help build skill sets with on-line training/ certifications
        Provide a mentor/coach/ manager to provide support and guidance
        Sabbatical/ Longer break (unpaid)
        Paid benefits - reimbursement of creche fee/ Additional child care allowance for 12 months
        Assurance that career progression will not be hampered
5. If you are a woman answering this survey… are you willing to take a pay cut in exchange for working part time?

6. Do you think organisations need to address issues relating to school-going children and provide benefits like:

• Childcare facilities
• Additional leave during exams, sickness
• Emergency childcare support
7. Do you think there should be reservation for women in private sector companies in order to create a more gender balanced workforce?
8. Currently, companies are required to appoint at least one woman director to the board. Do you think the number of women directors on a company's board needs to increase?