Which is the party faux pas you're guilty of? Take your pick from the options below!
Getting drunk, becoming an embarrassing loudmouth and creating a scene
Letting yourself go and dancing on tabletops like a stripper
Eating and drinking your hosts out of house and home
Actually stripping off a few of your clothing items at most dos
Spilling your secrets in conversation -- or a friend's
Getting sloshed and then puking all over someone else's car
Having a one-night stand that you utterly regret
Getting into a fight
Hamming for the camera and ending up on the Internet
Wearing barely-there clothes and inadvertently giving people an eyeful
Emotionally unloading on strangers even though you know you're boring them to death
Hitting on every member of the opposite sex
Messing up the bathroom and sneaking out so they don't know it was you
Ending up making out with a co-worker -- or your boss!
Getting evicted for bad behaviour
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