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Study abroad: The best B-Schools
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January 25, 2006

You want the name of a top foreign B-School; here's what you need to know before you send your applications.

International education expert
Karan Gupta, who chatted with readers on January 18, had this to say: You need work experience before you apply abroad for an MBA. London Business School, Manchester Business School and University of Warwick are the top UK business schools. Harvard, Stanford and Wharton are the top US business schools. Also, jobs are easier in the US.

For those of you who missed the chat, here's the transcript:

Part I:
Self-study tips for GMAT

lsls: You asked, Good Evening Mr. Karan, It's nice you come and give ans to our queries. Thank you so much. Karan, My GRE - 1130(570v/560Q); TOEFL- 230; B.Tech (IT)- 62.54% (Uttar Pradesh Technical university, Lucknow) I've applied for MS in Management Information Systems in Fall 2006 at following schools: 1) Mays Business School (TAMU) 2) TAMIU, Laredo, Texas 3) Claremont Graduate University, California 4) University of California, Irvine 5) Fox Business school (Temple), Philadelphia 6) University of Cincinatti business 7) NJIT, Newark 8) SUNY, Albany 9) University of South Florida [Images] Please tell where I have chances ?? No(n)/good(g)/excellent(e) You can just refer the number in front of college and n/g/e.. Thank you sooooo much

Karan Gupta: You have good chances in all the above schools as your academic performance is good and IS is not as competitive as CS is.

pankaj moonka: hi karan this is pankaj ...... i completed my grad from sydenham in the yr 2004 and since then i have been working ..... planning to go to singapure peb for my management wot do u suggest .... im not keen on giving gmat.

Karan Gupta: For admissions to any top business school, you should have the GMAT.

sivan: Sir though I have been granted the admission for my PhD in various UK universities but I have been facing problem for funding though various organization are providing the fund but that is lack so can you suggest me for the appropriate organization for the same.

Karan Gupta: You can try to apply for loans from various state banks.

amit_singh: Hi karan,I need you little help about my problem... as iam a diploma holder in electronic & comm. Engineering with first class in year 1997.Iam in job and having work experince of about 8+ Yrs and now i need to do my B.E from UK/US universities. Though i have an offer from one UK university that they will give me direct admission to final year bcoz of my such long experince.But the bottle neck is tuition fees which i can't afford.So is there any examination for scholarships are held in india in which i can appear and try to get the scholarship.. iam very confused and dont want to loose this opportunity from UK university.

Karan Gupta: You can try to apply for loans from various state banks.

Sudheer: HI Karan,I got just 510 in GMAT n have a GPA of 3.30/4.0 in BBA so please let me know chances of getting in to gud univs in US.

Karan Gupta: With your profile, I do not recommend your applying for admissions to the top 50 US universities. Focus on the top 100 business schools instead.

Jay: hi, i have got GRE score of 1300 and toefl 275. my academics is 65% throughtout engg in (electronics and telecom). i have applied to universities like PENN STATE,SUNY buffalo and syracuse. do you think i have a chance to get admit ??? and also the universities have not contacted me since i have applied 1 month back. please advice me on what to do next ??

Karan Gupta: You should get into
Syracuse with your academics. Universities take time responding to applications, hence I suggest you wait for atleast another month before contacting them.

fahad: my name is fahad i hold mba with 62%marks i wantr to do my mba from uk or us can yoy tell me which university will be good and after graduating wili i get a job easily in uk or us.

Karan Gupta: Again, you need work experience before you apply for an MBA.
London Business School, Manchester Business School and University of Warwick are the top UK business schools.

Harvard, Stanford and Wharton are the top US business schools. Jobs are easier in the US.

lsls: Good Evening Mr. Karan, It's nice you come and give ans to our queries. Thank you so much. Karan, My GRE - 1130(570v/560Q); TOEFL- 230; B.Tech (IT)- 62.54% (Uttar Pradesh Technical university, Lucknow) I've applied for MS in Management Information Systems in Fall 2006 at following schools: 1) Mays Business School (TAMU) 2) TAMIU, Laredo, Texas 3) Claremont Graduate University, California 4) University of California, Irvine 5) Fox Business school (Temple), Philadelphia 6) University of Cincinatti business 7) NJIT, Newark 8) SUNY, Albany 9) University of South Florida Please tell where I have chances ?? No(n)/good(g)/excellent(e) You can just refer the number in front of college and n/g/e.. Thank you sooooo much..

Karan Gupta: Your question has been answered.

hello: Hi Karan can you please tell me some good places in Germany [Images] to do MBA.

Karan Gupta: You can visit for information on MBA programmes in Germany.

Jagan: What are the other options (degrees)after an MBA ( besides a Phd). Is it worthwhile to do double MBA in the same field (Marketing)?

Karan Gupta: If you are changing your field of specialisation, it makes sense to do your MBA again. If not, a PhD is the only option.

Dhiraj: I scored 1090 in my GRE exam and I have applied for PhD course in Pathology in following US universitiesa)Univ of CAL,Irvineb)Baylor college of medicinec)Univ of Chicagod)Vanderbilt unive)Univ of alabamaf)North carolina state univWhat are my chances of admission and financial aid?

Karan Gupta: PhD admissions are never easy. If you have contacted the professors and checked what research they are doing, you would have a better chance of getting in.


Karan Gupta: This is a study abroad chat.

chatnow: hi Karan, I have a Gre score of 1320(Q 800+V 520), TOEFL 290 and acads of 76% (BE Mechanical Engg). I have One international paper too. What are my chances of getting an admit in a good university like Purdue??Thank you for your help!!

Karan Gupta: With 76 per cent, you have a good chance of admissions. Good luck!

Hariharan [Images]: Hi Karan my Name is Hari and im from Hyderabad.Recently im Completed M.Tech in Spatial information technology from JNTU campus. Iam very much interested in doing Ph.D in USA especially in the field of location technology and data mining,Data warehouing.Can you please tell what are the necessary formalities should one furnish to get admission in Ph.D in states?

Karan Gupta: For admissions to the PhD programme you need to take the GRE and TOEFL.

Prince: Hi Karan.I have done my BTech in Comp science from Kerala [Images] Univ with an aggr of 75 %.I am planning to give GRE.What score do i need to get to a reputed US university.Which all universities do you think I shall apply?

Karan Gupta: Try and get a score of 1400 and above. This will enhance your chances of admission to top universities such as
Georgia Tech, CMU and so on.

AJ: Hi Karan, i know you probably have a ton of questions to sort through and answer but i'd really appreciate it if you could let me know which are the top MIS colleges in the US. And roughly what sort of a score i will need in my GRE to qualify for a scholarship. My undergrad scores are 7.6/10. Thanks in advance. AJ

Karan Gupta:
Carnigie Mellon University is the leading MIS university in the US. For scholarships, your GRE scores should be above 1450.

Jeetu: I have completed my diploma in Electronics engineering from Mumbai and I'll complete my B.E.(Elex&Telecom) in 2008. I wish to become a commercial Pilot , so can u tell me about the top institutes in the US which conduct such courses. Also, since such courses have high fees even in India, can you tell me the finances involved in pursing such a course ?

Karan Gupta: Instead of the US, I recommend that you apply for admissions to Australian flying schools. They are cheaper and as good (if not better) than US flying schools.

ruchittt: Karanbhai.... from where to get the universities rankings coursewise in USA?

Karan Gupta: Look at
US for info on rankings.

sharad: what r the professional qualifications that can be done overseas in commodity derivates analyst/manager/dealer?

Karan Gupta: You can pursue a course in finance. It should cover most of the topics you want to study.

talkto_sid: HI ..I want to do an MBA..but a place whr I dont have spend like hell...I hrd that MBA in australia is gud..Wats ur say abt MBA education in Australia compared to tht in UK n USA

Karan Gupta: US is the best for an MBA. Then UK and Canada [Images] and last is Australia. If, however, finances are an issue, there is no harm in looking at Australian business schools.

mangesh: I had a low score of gre 800 and toefl 233.i have completed B.E in Mechanical engg. from mumbai university.aggregate 57% .do i have a atleast a slight chance of getting an admit in US univ.?

Karan Gupta: Yes, there are some universities in the US that do not require the GRE. You can apply for admissions to these universities.

raja: I scored 1200 in GRE (740 in q + 460 in v) .Cud u suggest me some gud univ for MS in MIS .I have 77 % in acads.

Karan Gupta: Try Carnegie Mellon University in the US.

Bharatb4u: Hi Karan, I have finished my B.Sc with 64 %, bu tmy PU marks is 52%. I have 3 yrs work exp. what are my chances of getting into a good UK university and wat is the average amount i need to shell out? plz do reply

Karan Gupta: What course do you want to apply for? Usually, MS programmes in the UK cost approximately Rs 10-15 lakhs including living expenses.

dan: would appreciate if you could answer my query.i am applying for my Masters of architecture to USA. how would u rate and grade these three universities 1. Pratt institute, NY; 2. Savannah College of Art & Design, Georgia. 3. Univ of cincinnati, ohio. Also would you have an idea about the scope in this field in terms of employment there.karan, i have been told that having a blood relative (sister) in usa with reduce my chances of getting a student visa if i mention it. is that true?

Karan Gupta: Pratt is good. Yes, your visa chances may reduce if you have a blood relative living in the same area as the university you want to attend.

Karan Gupta: All right students, it's time! Thank you for chatting with us today. We look forward to seeing you in our next Rediff Chat.

Karan Gupta: Have a wonderful day. For more information on us and our services please visit

Part I: Self-study tips for GMAT


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