When the Oberoi group launched its upscale The Oberoi hotel in Gurgaon in 2011, right next to its Trident hotel, it bagged everybody's attention for its contemporary look, fine-dining restaurants and artworks (it even has Peter Negi's Nature Morte gallery).It had 202 keys - 187 rooms and 15 suites - spread over nine acres. (The industry norm is 100 rooms per acre). Yet, it cost only Rs 450 crore (Rs 4.5 billion) to build.
Kapil Chopra then was the senior vice-president of Oberoi Hotels & Resorts, and was instrumental in setting up the new hotel.
His stamp was all over the place. All the artworks were handpicked by him. He would personally escort visitors and reviewers all over the hotel.
The group has now elevated him as the president. He was looking after the two hotels, the Trident and Oberoi, at Gurgaon; he will now look after all its 20 properties in India.
Chopra, 40, owes his success to the two Gurgaon hotels. It was under his leadership that the Oberoi, Gurgaon, was voted the 'World's Leading Luxury Hotel' by the World Travel Awards for the second consecutive year in 2012.
The hotel was also awarded 'Best Hotel for Business in India' by Conde' Nast Traveller, India, Readers' Travel Awards 2012.