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When AAP's radio ad irked Delhi police

December 14, 2014 13:25 IST

Delhi police have asked FM radio channels in the national capital to stop playing an Aam Aadmi Party jingle which according to them is defaming the force.

In the advertisement, a girl is heard saying that some men passed lewd comments at her while she was on her way back home. She further claims that policemen were reluctant to file her complaint when she went to the police station and rather asked her to provide evidence of the incident.

Frustrated with the volley of questions, the girl leaves the police station without registering a complaint and is then heard asking people to vote for AAP to ensure women security in Delhi.

“We have asked the radio stations to stop this jingle and will ask AAP to provide us details of the girl whether she is a real victim or an imaginary character. If it is a true incident, we would probe it and take strict action against the guilty policemen but if it's imaginary, it is defaming the police,” said a senior police official.

Police has also directed the radio stations to take clearance before playing any such jingles in future.

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