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Poll fever has candidates running to the doctor

November 16, 2008 17:52 IST

With the election season bringing a long period of stress and uncertainty, candidates who are gearing to fight it out in the electoral battlefield are queuing up before cardiologists to ensure their heart is at the right place.

There is a definite rise in the number of politicians wanting to get their cardiac health checked before the election campaign gains momentum, heart specialists believe.

"Many of the candidates come just before elections, as they want to ensure they can take the rigours of the campaign," said Ravi R Kasliwal, senior consultant Cardiologist, Apollo hospitals.

It is best to get everything sorted out -- from diabetes to blood pressure -- before setting out on a campaign trail, he said.

"Those who have established cardiac problems are very particular about getting an 'election fitness certificate' because campaigning requires a lot of effort and travel," said Dr Purushottam Lal, senior cardiologist at Noida's Metro hospital.

While in the pre-poll season, candidates who are preparing to jump into the fray visit heart specialists to get their fitness evaluated, those who end on the losing side post-poll, queue up to check stress and anxiety-related problems.

"Post-election usually the ones who end up losing come with stress-related symptoms like uneasiness, palpitation other atypical problems, which call for counselling," Lal said.

How one takes the election defeat also differs from person to person 'on how sensitive or how thick-skinned you are', said Lal.

Kasliwal, however, said the increase in the number of visitors is usually seen ahead of the poll rather than after the process is over.

"And that is the right thing to do, to check whether your blood pressure and other indicators are right before you start campaigning for 12-14 hours a day," he said, adding, "You should get yourself checked and get a fresh prescription be made before starting it out."

Given that it is an examination time for candidates, cardiologists also advise those in the electoral field to take dietary and other precautions to ensure their health remains intact when the battle has been won or lost.

"It is very big exercise loaded with stress financial, prestige, emotional. Candidates should therefore get their cardiac evaluation done before launching their campaign.

They should also take dietary precautions like avoiding heavy lunch during the rigorous canvassing as they get little time to rest throughout the day," Lal said.

Taking good sleep is also very crucial to keep your mind and heart at rest, he added.

Meanwhile, Dr Praveen Agarwal, Principal consultant, Escorts Heart hospital said while he was yet to witness a direct correlation between election time and increase in candidates getting cardiac check-ups done, it was advisable for them to do so.

"Though I have witnessed no correlation between the number of politicians visiting cardiologists and election time it is advisable those with known cardiac problems should get themselves checked," he said.

Wasfia Jalali in New Delhi
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