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Delhi government to recommend CBI probe into Devansh death case

February 07, 2016 14:36 IST

The Delhi government on Sunday said that it will recommend a Central Bureau of Investigation probe into the death of a Ryan International School student following his father's allegations that he was sexually assaulted and then killed.

A magisterial probe ordered by the Delhi government into the case said that 'deliberate' inaction by the school authorities amounted to 'gross criminal negligence' which led to the death of the child.

"We will definitely recommend a CBI probe into the death of Devansh. We can see shortcomings in the ongoing probe. Devansh's parents levelled serious allegation," Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia said on Sunday.

Sisodia, who has the education portfolio, had said on Saturday that the magisterial probe into Devansh's death indicated towards a 'heinous crime' and that the investigation so far has 'ignored' the observations of the child's parents.

He also claimed that no police official has met the parents of Devansh so far.

A senior government official said, "Once Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal comes back from Bengaluru, which is scheduled for Sunday, the CBI probe

will be recommended after proper consultations."

Father of the boy, Ramheet Meena had on Saturday alleged that injury marks were seen on his body including on private parts.

Meena said he saw cotton swabs on the child's private parts and alleged that the principal of the school has threatened the family to keep quiet over the issue. He reiterated his demand for a CBI probe into the case.

"I saw the body. There were some injury marks and cotton on his private parts. The principal has been threatening me since the beginning saying that keeping quiet will be good for me," he said, demanding cancellation of the school's licence.

However, a senior police officer, handling the probe, had ruled out sexual assault on the basis of the initial post-mortem report and investigation so far.

Devansh was found dead in the reservoir under the amphitheatre of the school located in South Delhi, on January30.

The initial post-mortem report suggested he died of drowning and no external injuries were found, police had said.

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