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The Rabbit

The rabbit symbolises graciousness, good manners, kindness and sensitivity.

Those of you born under this sign prefer a peaceful life and tend to avoid arguments and disputes. You have a calming influence on people around you. Though conscious of looks and flirtatious by nature, you are still warm and comfortable to be with in a relationship.

As a rabbit, you will find 2004 another calm year. You will become more meditative and search for answers within you instead of looking outside. Some of you may even become a bit reclusive, but this phase will be temporary and you will soon come into your own. Your self-esteem will shoot up, surprising many around you.

Those of you in love will draw closer to your mate and may even consider buying a home together to strengthen your happy future.

Any ailments you have will remain minor.

Look at the stars and let them guide you to a bright future.

Compatible signs: Sheep, Snake, Pig, Ox

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