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Win exciting prizes from Avatar!

Are you ready for Hollywood's most expensive movie?

Ready or not, James Cameron's Avatar -- said to have a budget costing a staggering $230 million -- is releasing worldwide on December 18.

The sci-fi movie is being touted as a breakthrough in terms of filmmaking technology, for its development of 3D viewing and stereoscopic cinematography. Here's a sneak peek of what to expect.

The film is based on an epic conflict on a far-away world, where humans and the native species Na''vi engage in war over the planet's resources and existence.

While we wait for Avatar, here's a chance to win sling bags, t-shirts, pens and diaries from the movie.

All you have to do is answer this simple question:

What is the far-away world in Avatar called?

Choose from the following:
a. Angora.
b. Pandora.
c. Xandora.

Choose the correct answer, fill in your details and submit. Forty-five lucky winners will be chosen by random selection.

Hurry up and send in those answers!

Contest closes 5 pm IST, December 21, 2009.

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