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Dr Singh meets China PM Jiabao

December 14, 2005 22:29 IST

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh held bilateral talks with Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday on the sideline of the first-ever East Asia Summit.

During the meeting, the two sides expressing satisfaction over the steady development of the Sino-India economic and trade relations. The border issue also came up for discussion.

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Terming the talks as 'friendly,' Dr Singh said it was the shared responsibility of India and China to strengthen cooperation and continue to expedite the progress of this region and the world.

On the border issue, both the countries discussed the broad parameters and hoped to arrive at a mutually-acceptable  solution. "The border will remain tranquil," Dr Singh said, while talking to reporters on his way back from Kuala Lumpur.

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He expressed satisfaction over the steady development of the economic and trade relations between the two countries,
and noted that the current trade volume is incommensurate to the populations of the two countries.

The prime minister said that Sino-India trade was expected to reach a target of $20 billion (about Rs 9,000 crore) by 2008, up from the present figure of $15 billion (about Rs 6,850 crore).

A joint study group between the two countries was studying the feasibility of a Preferential Trade Agreement, he added.

The meeting also discussed possibilities of co-operation in the field of science and technology.

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Dr Singh said that the two sides should take measures to incessantly deepen bilateral cooperation while strengthening
cooperation in science and technology, so as to benefit the peoples of the two countries and the world at large.

During the meeting, the Chinese Premier said strengthening of Sino-India cooperation was not only beneficial to their people but also conducive to promoting peace, stability and development of Asia.

India, on its part, thanked China for its support in vital nuclear science projects.

Complete Coverage: PM in Malaysia

With Agency Inputs

Nandita Malik in Kuala Lumpur