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How healthy are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

Take this quiz and find out just how young you really are.

Everyone wants to stay young but few of us really do anything about it. Take this quiz -- excerpted from The Beauty Diet by macrobiotic chef Shonali Sabherwal with kind courtesy, Random House India -- and find out how young you are.

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

Can you walk up two flights of stairs without pausing?

a. Yes

b. Sometimes

c. Why take the stairs when there's something called the elevator?

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

How well do you handle stress?

a. My friends say I'm a rock

b. I feel frazzled on busy days, but otherwise I'm okay.

c. I'm 'Panic Jane' on most days

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

How many servings of nuts (a serving is about an ounce or a small fistful) have you eaten in the last three days?

a. 0

b. 2

c. 3 or more

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

How many days a week do you take a thirty-minute walk?

a. 7

b. 3 or 4

c. Do trips from the couch to the refrigerator count?

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

5) You eat out...

a. Only if there's an occasion that I just must attend. But never otherwise.

b. Once a week at least

c. Are you kidding me? Take out always.

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

When was the last time you changed your skin-care routine?

a. About six months ago

b. So long ago, I can't remember

c. Routine? Who has time for that?

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

Fish, chicken, or red meat?

a. Fish

b. Chicken

c. The red stuff

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

How many cigarettes?

a. Don't touch the stuff

b. Once in a while

c. I carry a packet with me wherever I go

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

How likely are you to fall asleep in the middle of doing  something else like reading, watching TV, sitting in a movie theatre, or in a meeting? How likely are you to fall asleep while talking to someone, sitting quietly after lunch, or when caught in traffic?

a. Unlikely

b. Somewhat likely

c. Very likely

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

How many days a week do you get a good night's sleep of at least 6½ hours?

a. 7

b. 3

c. 0 but only after two glasses of wine...

How young are you? Take this quiz, RIGHT NOW!

Last updated on: February 17, 2012 07:11 IST

Mostly As: Congratulations! You're an infant and probably have the metabolism of a 14 year old. You've been good
to your body, and guess what, your body will be good to you in return, keeping you younger for longer. What you
need to do is to keep it up. The process of ageing is only natural and we all have to go through it. However, you
seem to know what to do.

Mostly Bs: You're walking the fine line between being healthy and slipping. You know what you have to do but
probably get caught with the rush of everyday life, juggling work and personal life. Take some time out and reevaluate
your priorities. Planning is key. With a little bit of organizing, you can get back on track and get your health in
order. It isn't too much to ask for if you want to keep fit and stay younger.

Mostly Cs: Whoa! You have to put the brakes on your life and slow it down several notches. Right now your life is
mad with activity and you're paying no attention to your body, the thing that's sustaining you. You've got to take a
hold of the situation before it slips out of control. Remember, your body is your temple and it is what's going
to get you through till the end. The first thing you need to do is fix your eating habits. Trust me, once you do that,
everything else starts to fall in place. Next would be exercise. No need to hit the gym or take up martial arts
classes. Start with baby steps. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Go fetch your own print outs. Walk to the
supermarket instead of driving. Just start using those limbs. You need to take stock if you don't want the first wrinkle
arriving before you hit thirty five.