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Health conditions your face reveals

Last updated on: March 10, 2011 15:53 IST
The forehead relates to your mind, spirit, heart and the small intestine

The state of your facial features reveals a lot about the condition of your health.

When we were children, our mothers used to find out if we were in some sort of trouble or what we were thinking just by a look at our faces. They claimed they could read our faces and that is true, to some extent -- the face serves as a window to your internal health. According to Chinese medicine, what goes inside your body is reflected on your face.

Chinese medicine believes in the five-element network of fire, earth, water, metal and wood. Whatever is happening inside your body -- in the stomach, heart, hormones and even the mind or spirit -- is reflected on your face. Some face readers and acupuncturists back these studies with some more additions. If we learn to analyse these signs, we will have a better understanding of our body conditions.

Here is a small list of what various facial parts indicate:

The forehead

The forehead relates to your mind, spirit, heart and the small intestine. It is found to be in correspondence to the "fire" element. Look out for changes like:

Note: The above points are only for reference, they should not be interpreted as medical advice. You should consult your physician for any problem you may be facing.

The nose

Last updated on: March 10, 2011 15:53 IST
The nose relates to your stomach, pancreas and spleen

The nose relates to your stomach, pancreas and spleen. It is found to be in correspondence to the "earth" element. Look out for:

The chin

Last updated on: March 10, 2011 15:53 IST
The chin is associated with the hormonal system, kidneys and the urinary system

The chin is associated with the hormonal system, kidneys and the urinary system, including the bladder and the ureter (thick-walled tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder). It corresponds to the "water" element. Watch out for:

The right cheek

Last updated on: March 10, 2011 15:53 IST
The right cheek is related to lungs and the large intestine

It represents the "metal" element and is related to lungs and the large intestine. Check for:

The left cheek

Last updated on: March 10, 2011 15:53 IST
The left cheek represents the liver and gall bladder

It represents the liver and gall bladder and corresponds to the "wood" element. Beware of:

Next time you see your face in the mirror, go a little deeper than just observing your looks and measuring the degrees of ageing. It has a lot more to tell you, beyond how great you're looking! Look for specific signs and interpret the signals your body is sending you.

LifeMojo is a wellness company, helping people to live a healthier life. LifeMojo provides online and on phone nutrition consultation services to help you achieve your weight loss and fitness goals.