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Have a useful tip on saving money? Share it with us

Last updated on: October 17, 2019 16:07 IST

With Diwali around the corner, we want you to share clever ways to save money.

Photograph: Courtesy Jarmoluk/

The festive season is here and no matter how much you try, you'll end up spending way more than you save.

From shopping for family and friends to renovating your home, buying gifts for relatives to splurging on a new house/car, come Diwali and you'll have a million reasons to spend extravagantly.

But is it possible to save? Or budget your expenses?

How can one cut back on the expenses? Or save and spend wisely without burning a hole in your pocket?

We ask you, dear readers do you have any smart, effective and useful tips on saving money?

Have you applied these tips? Did it work? Share your tips and we'll publish the best ones on

Write in to with 'My tips to save money' in the subject line, along with your NAME, AGE and the place where you LIVE. Don't forget to send us your photograph.

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