How does your relationship rate on the compatibility scale?

Valentine's Day is coming up this monday and we're all in the mood for a little schmopy romancing.

But what about the other 364 days of the year

We've complied a little quiz for you to 'test the waters', so to speak.
Are you compatible? Is your partner right for you?
You'll find out soon enough!
Five years from now, where do you see the two of you?
Married to my one and only of course, muah, muah, muah! And kids too!
I don't know where, but still together I'm guessing
Hopefully happily settled -- with someone else!

How do you handle your joint finances?
We've worked on an infallible spending/saving budget and neither of us breaks it -- everrrr!
We do disagree from time to time, but we're more or less on the same wavelength
We haven't joined our finances -- and we aren't going to either!

What's your relationship with your in-laws/future in-laws like?
You mean with Mom and Dad?
It has it's ups and downs like every other relationship, but it's good
You mean the Old Bat and Mr Bevda? Disastrous!

On an average, how often do the two of you argue or fight?
Very rarely -- so rarely that when we do, we end up crying in each others' arms
On and off, but it's less fighting and more arguments
We had one before I started on this quiz and we'll have another after I'm done!

When one of you buys the other a gift or makes a romantic gesture, it's usually:
Exactly what I wanted -- and sometimes more!
Let's just say there are some I've loved and some I've exchanged -- but the effort makes me feel good all the same
Better luck next time! / Who the hell gives or gets GIFTS?

What's your sex life like?
Past, present, future -- incredibly hot!
Good -- sometimes good, sometimes not-so-good, but love plays a big role
What sex life? I can't remember the last time we had sex!

What's your equation with your partner's best friend?
Now my best friend too!
Comfortable and friendly
Can't stand the @#$%!!!

When you plan a date, you:
Always do something we both want to do -- and we usually want to do the same thing
Compromise when necessary -- sometimes it's my way, sometimes it's his way
Always end up arguing about where to go because we never enjoy the same things

When you both get home from work each day, you:
Cuddle up on the sofa first thing and ask each other how the day went
Usually give each other a quick kiss and then sit down to dinner -- sometimes we talk about our day, sometimes not
Avoid saying a word to each other until well after dinner, else it inevitably leads to a fight

If either one of you is travelling, you call each other:
At least three times a day -- and send the odd naughty SMS and e-mail
Once a day, but have a real conversation
Names -- because we don't even get along with distance between us

If you could change the course of your life -- go back and do things differently -- would you still be with the same person?
Undoubtedly, 100 percent -- I'd do everything all over again to ensure it!
I don't know, but I like where I am right now
Good heavens, no! The person I'd spend my life with would be someone completely different