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The book that inspired me
Ankur Bhatia
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July 20, 2005

I have just finished reading Stephen Covey's The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness To Greatness. It's all about self-introspection, understanding your true potential and the difference you can make to the people around you.

image It emphasises that success comes to those who, as a starting point, listen to their inner selves. Thereafter, based on the needs of the people with whom they interact, they create innovative ways to empower them.

Covey calls the present times the 'New Knowledge Worker age' in which, in order to thrive, innovate, excel and lead, we must build on and move beyond effectiveness.

As a continuation to his previous book, The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, in this book he emphasises the eighth habit. Simply put, the eighth habit means to find your voice and inspire others to find theirs.

It is the answer to the soul's longing for greatness, the organisation's focus on excellence, and humanity's search for its 'voice'. The book is insightful, encouraging and definitely inspiring.

It has introduced me to new ideas and practices that will have a profound impact not only on my professional life but personal life as well.

Ankur Bhatia is managing director, Amadeus India Sub Continent.

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