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Difficult to ban sledging: Lorgat

April 04, 2008 22:28 IST

The Board of Control for Cricket in India's plans to get sledging banned from cricket encountered a roadblock on Friday with the ICC's next CEO Haroon Lorgat saying on-field chatter cannot be done away completely.

South African Lorgat, a former first class player himself, felt sledging was not a new phenomenon and was not restricted to cricket.

"I think it will be difficult to ban sledging completely at the highest level. Sledging is a part of the game, it is part of any sport at the highest level," he said.

After an acrimonious tour of Australia, the Indian Board has proposed a complete ban on sledging and will take up the matter at the Annual General Meeting of the International Cricket Council.

Lorgat, however, said that the world body will have to intervene if the players went over the line.

"When it gets out of control, when it gets nasty, when it gets personal, the ICC will have to take the lead in stepping in to respond swiftly and decisively," he told 'Cricinfo'.

The chartered accountant, who will take over when current ICC CEO Malcolm Speed steps down in June, denied that India wielded disproportionate influence in world cricket due to its money power.

"This could be a perception more than a reality. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of all members to present a united front and assist the ICC in moving towards a common vision," he said.

Lorgat also welcomed the appointment of former BCCI chief I S Bindra as the ICC's Principal Adviser, a new post.

"I see Mr Bindra's presence as a positive. He is highly regarded in the international cricket community; he is vastly experienced, and he will be an asset to the ICC."

He said the ICC needed to adapt to the changing times, but categorically rejected any possibility of a compromise with the Indian Cricket League.

"I am very clear on this: anything that is not within the boundaries cannot be supported. You have to respect these boundaries and work within the system," he stressed.

The Twenty20 format would have a profound impact on the game, Lorgat felt.

"The ICC as an organisation needs to transform to meet the demands of the modern world. I think there is a lot of hard work that can go in to adapt to changes in the game. For example, the advent of Twenty20 and how world cricket adapts to it," he added.

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