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Kalam for cooperation with EU in energy sector

April 25, 2007 17:22 IST

Noting India's need to raise power generation capacity to four lakh MW by 2030, President A P J Abdul KalamĀ on Wednesday sought 'intensive cooperation' with the European Union in the field of energy, including nuclear, to help achieve the goal.

Addressing the European Parliament in Strasbourg (France), the first Indian President to do so, Kalam suggested setting up of Indo-EU Renewable Energy Development Programme.

The scientist-president also proposed setting up of a "World Knowledge Platform" for the benefit of humanity.

"India has 17 per cent of world population but only 0.8 per cent of known hydrocarbon resources," he said. "Based on progress visualised for the country during the next two decades, power generation capacity has to increase to four lakh MW by 2030,"

he said, adding this would require energy economy and production of energy efficient equipment.

Giving a presentation to the EU Parliamentarians, the scientist-President said energy independence has to be achieved through three different sources -- renewable energy (solar, wind and hydro), electrical power from nuclear energy and bio-fuel for transport sector.

"These three research areas definitely need intensive cooperation between both EU and India," he said. Kalam suggested establishing of Indo-EU Renewable Energy Development Programme for taking up advanced research and development in all forms of renewable energy to ensure availability of commercial class large scale power plants within next decade.

Sumir Kaul in Strasbourg, France
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